Corupted- Zamasu-Moveset-Fused- With Goku UI Moveset

Hi, this is my first mod so go easy on me.
This mod is a moveset for your CAC.
This moveset combine the Zamasu (Corrupt) moveset with Goku UI moveset.
Sorry for low quality screen but I don't know how to make a screen with computer and sorry if thereĀ are
no video of this mod but I do not know how to do it :)
If someone could make a video I would be very grateful
ATTENTION: This moveset does not support the DUAL ULTIMATES.
If someone can help to me make it compatible with the dual ultimates I would be very much grateful.
And if someone wants to use this moveset to create a kind of fusion between Zamasu and Goku UI can do
it without asking for my permission just put my name in the description of the mod.
(Sorry for my bad english I'm italian)
Normal instal x2m
Version 1.0-Release
1.5 - removed FVX folder