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Custom Quest: DBZ: The Showdown!

Hey Everyone! Today i bring you my first my PQ: DBZ: The Showdown! It's pretty challenging so be ready for a tough fight, there are 2 versions of the quest, CO-OP and the Standard (You can have both downloaded at the same time) a big difference between them though is that in the CO-OP one you will have Goku as your guaranteed p3(3rd ally), this was done for a couple reasons the first being for duo players to have a 3rd ally and the second being it just fit the narrative of the quest i was going for. Another thing to note is if you are 3 stacking the quest, whoever is p3 will play as that Goku if you want to get around it you could play the standard edition as that one does not have the Goku AI, also p1, p2, and p3 in both versions of the quest have 50k health no matter what to make things a little easier on ya. Any feedback is welcome! also if you are feeling ambitious i included a bonus mission that will reward you handsomely upon completion, i will warn you though IT IS VERY TOUGH and that was done intentionally. If you experience any bugs or problems with the quests please feel free to let me know.

unzip the files to your desktop, and install the x2m's using xv2ins

-Added a version of the quest without p2/p3 super soul lock as "i really do love being immortal" (SOLO VERSION)

  • 8Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
35.79 kB
June 18, 2023


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    1. Like change the number next to the quests? if thats what you mean unfortunately I dont think there is a way to do that manually but if there is please lmk how and ill be glad to update it for ya!

      1. oh sorry i don’t do mods so i don’t know about this i send this to you because i like the quest but when i use it with revamp it doesn’t work because revamp added the quest with those numbers so if you can you make any updates on this plz tell me.

  • 8Mods
  • 9Followers

File size
35.79 kB
June 18, 2023

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