DBH : Dark Broly (TB)

What's good peeps ! Hope y'all doing well.
So today i bring my own version of "Time Breaker Dark Broly" from Dragonball heroes.
I would like to thanks Dexio for helping me out with the Moveset grab : Gigantic Rage. along with the skill he gave me in the process : Meteoric Blast, same goes with the people that gave me feedback on the moveset i was making for broly. (Renkon,and Omar.)
I appreciate that.
With that said, i'm working on Dark broly original Ultimate, the Ultimate : Gigantic Meteor is just a place holder until i'm done making it. and maybe more along the way.
i'm still learning.
So yeah, Enjoy or Maybe not the choice is yours.
See you later.
Discord Server :
- Omega (D's).
- Eternity Tool : X2Ins , X2m
- V.1 : - Initial release.
- V1.2 : - Added another X2m with two grabs "V.2" :One in the air and the other one on the ground. Since i couldn't fix the "V.1" with the freezing grab in the air.
- Changed "IA" Behavior in both version.
-V.2 : Coming Soon...
When I start a game with him it crashes at the loading cards
just let it load in completely before moving anything