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Dragon Ball Legends WIN pose Photo Mode skill #3

This skill is designed to be used in Photo Mode and has no actual use in battle.

This skill contains five (5) poses that can be used in Photo Mode when taking pictures of your CaCs.

The skill contains the win poses from; GRN SP Broly, PUR SP Super Saiyan God SS Goku & Vegeta, YEL SP Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla: Kale (Assist), GRN SP Gohan (Kid): Piccolo (Assist), and BLU SP Broly: Cheelai (Assist).

Input a direction when activating the skill to access the 5 different poses.

Make sure to turn off CPU Recovery in the Photo Mode settings so the CPU won't jump out of the skill once the loop has finished

Enjoy ^-^

How to install:

1) Install the X2M skill

2) Run the 'Legends Pose Skill 3 Installer.exe' file to install the necessary files

3) Enjoy

1.0 > Mod uploaded

1.1 > Discovered the issue with the malformed animations and fixed them

  • 42Mods
  • 40Followers

File size
7.45 MB
April 9, 2022


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  1. Has ANYONE found a fix for this? I’ve tried so much testing and I literally can’t find out why this doesn’t work. It works when I’m not locked onto the AI but when I am locked on it instantly crashes, which is super annoying cause my friend can use it fine. Please let me know if anyone figured it out

  2. Ok, so here’s a problem I’ve been having:
    In two instances with this particular skill, characters have been bugging out. Once was the 2P (in this instance is with a custom moveset) and now its with the one using the skill (and this was after a clear install).

    It’s reached the point where its basically unusable and that sucks because I want to use this for character posing.

  3. Really cool mod, though there have been a few bugs that I encountered that I’ve seen other people post.
    Also… Unrelated, but may I ask where you have gotten that Granolah mod? It looks really good, and I cant seem to find it anywhere.

      1. the main one using it all the primary poses are bugged but I have an AI doing it at the same time and that AI has the secondary poses work just fine as long as they activate it at the same time. This is all tested in photo mode. None of the primary poses work at all – character I control or the AI I tell to repeat the pose.

      1. Well For Me I’m Using My 2 Male Earthlings and it seems the one with the pose skill equipped his arms are all over the place I put it on my other earthling same thing Happens it seems they’re arms are out of place when doing the skill

      2. I’m using my male saiyan and my male earthling but while the earthiling’s pose is perfectly fine, my male saiyan is completely bugged. The bug is that it simple disarms when doing any pose (For the Male Saiyan character case)

  • 42Mods
  • 40Followers

File size
7.45 MB
April 9, 2022

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