Dragon ball Super vegeto wish
I am so hype to see vegeto in dbs so I created some vegito that might appeared
Hair: there are 3 type
SSJBLUE hair whem transform ssj
SSJBLUE KAIOKEN hair whem transform ssj2
SSJ3BLUE hair whem transform ssj3
Skill and aura:
First slot have ssj and vegeto moves and ssjblue aura
First slot have ssj2 and ssjblue vegeta and goku moves and kaioken aura
First slot have ssj3 and ssjblue vegeta and goku movesmoves and ssjblue aura
Costume there are 8 folder
1-Vegeto normal clothes: can transforme to others transformation
2-Vegeto normal clothes in grey: like Vegeto normal clothes but in grey
3-Costume 1: A mixure of goku and vegeta armor costume with no armor so contain vegeta spat bust
4-Costume 1 in grey: like Costume i but in grey
5-Costume 2: A mixure of goku and vegeta armor costume with vegeta armor inside dougi
6-Costume 2 in grey: like Costume 2 but in grey
7-Costume 3: This costume was a request
8-No obi belt: If you guys do not want goku style obi copy files from yhis folder and paste it in vto folder
If you guys have request just ask
For skill and aura :
Copy system folder and paste it in data2.cpk folder/data
For costume and hair :
paste selected files in data2.cpk folder/data/chara/vto