Eddie’s Xenoverse 2 ReShade

Just a custom ReShade Preset I made, when fiddling with the settings. HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT!!!
(This IS my first mod after all, even if it is just a preset lol.)
If you can't see the difference, watch the comparison video! There's a difference, whether you like it or not, it is different haha.
XV2PATCHER is required, to download that, YouTube is your friend!
Install ReShade in your Xenoverse 2 game directory, then extract my file into your "bin" folder. When you start the game, ReShade should start doing its thing, once it's done with that, hit the drop down bar and select Eddie's ReShade and you should be good to go!
If you don't like the bars on the top and bottom you can press Shift+f2 to open the ReShade Menu and disable the option for bars. :)
Any further questions feel free to ask in the comments and I will TRY to get back to you! :)