!! FriezaClan H-graphics!!

Here Now I present H-graphics For FriezaClansman
HeirTalent ( For His H-graphics Colors)
If you like it support original author of H-graphics
Here: https://gumroad.com/l/CVlv
Just Put this file inside data3p or data2 data/chara/fri
V 1.0 - FRI - Face's Pack H-Graphics
V 2.0- FRI - Hair H-Graphics
V2.2 Update 2.2 (Download This Thing It's fix some skin color issues!!Like New SCRShots & It has transfomable glow body for z-suit
V 3.0-FRI - Costume Select (Available after these before my h-graphic project for now you can use Clansman Cloth(Z-fighting). rar )
V 4.0-FRI - Accessories (It doesn't have any fix date But It will soon available)
*For now you need to use Clansman Cloth(Z-fighting) & All Cloths available after these before my h-graphic project