Future Gohan Altrenitive Future

This Gohan mod was somewhat inspired by a fan manga where insted of Trunks going to the past, but in this version he has a robot arm and he has a sword with a new design and complete custom moveset and he was able to unlock the power of super saiyan 2 when training with goku in the hyperbolic time chamber because this gohan knew what can give him his rage.
and this goes into the dragon ball super route but gohan was able to easily defeat babidi and demon god dabura and supreme kai never died so that leads to the dragon ball super era just with out the tournaments, also the z fighters are alive because after gohan beat the androids he asked bulma if she can make a space ship to go to namek but i (hope) that i did amazing to everyone on this mod it took forever and have a great time with it
the normal x2m download
thats so goddamn cool
is it possible to make this outfit for our CAC please ???
the look its very cool, and the transforming
It would be pretty cool if you made a updated version with g.o.d. form and Ui, but obviously you have free will and you dont me anything. Although I think it would be pretty cool.
well UI would make sense but not God of Destruction