Gogeta Xeno Super Saiyan 4 – Super Kaioken-like colors

You thought Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta couldn't get any stronger? Think again.
As seen in SDBH Universe Mission 9. Doesn't transform though.
Custom moveset as well.
Credits to the Revamp Team for the hair model and edited dyts that were used as the main base for this out-of-nowhere powerup. Go check that mod now. And to Someon1 for the aura (used on this Xeno Vegito mod by Infinite Chaos -which also uses Revamp assets-, go check it out).
When daddy xv2ins and mommy x2m love very much...
1.0 - Made the thing.
1.02 - Always double check what happens if you are the one installing your x2m... Also added his aura installer (made by Someone1. Don't run it if you already have installed Infinite Chaos' Xeno Vegito).
the final version please