Gohan (Future) – [Raging Blast Variant!]

*New Changes v2.0* -
Added -> Gohan Armless Variation ALL CREDIT TO Komodo
Added -> Ultimate Masenko ALL CREDIT TO Dexio
Addition -> Fierce Combination now goes into Super Saiyan only when used in base form :)
Gohan (Future) Base Form Only:
Original Moveset
*Full Power Energy Wave (Removed & Replaced by Ultimate Masenko)
*One-Handed Kamehameha (Removed & Replaced by Fierce Combination SSJ)
Gohan (Future) Super Saiyan State Only:
New Moveset - (Dash/Block Cancels, Stamina Break Cancels)
Special Beam Cannon
Fierce Combination
Future Gohan with his rightful new skill, Gekiretsu Ranbu or also known as Fierce Combination! He also comes with a New Moveset Revision...
Note: The Intercept skill is still being worked on at the moment, but I need to get this out the way so I can shut your hopes down early and not later... Firstly and foremost, the counter skill "intercept" will not look 100% similar as seen in raging blast and/or other series. Not even 90% 80% nor 70%, but at the least 60%. The only thing that will look different in the skill will be the part where Gohan continuously deflects the opponent's attack, which the skill will differ in having the enemy and Gohan send punches back and forth in a clashing manner rather than just deflecting. The last kick at the end of it will remain the same but I haven't yet decided whether I would want Gohan to jump behind the enemy or rather snap vanish. That's all I wanted to say :D
X2M, Eternity's Installer
This is awesome