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Goku Black UI (Omni King)

This is my version of Goku Black UI Omni King 

He comes with 3 diffrent movesets that changes on his transformation

He has 2 custom Transformations 

Custom skills 

An custom Aura 

I will still update him in the future 

Special Thanks to TGFB, Unleashed, ZitroXeno, RazeDevastator for helping me to create this awesome Mod.

If you like my work you can check out my Patreon for Early access to my mods

X2M and Aura Installer

  • 34Mods
  • 36Followers

File size
37.82 MB
Credit given to modders
October 4, 2021


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  1. So I downloaded this mod because I saw it on tiktok and when I went to try it, it had completely different moves. I’m also new at modding so I could be dumb. And another thing is that when I use the scythe thing where the ki blade transforms I don’t see the scythe. Pls help

    1. Another thing is when I try to install the aura it says this

      System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
      Parameter name: index
      at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
      at Xv2CoreLib.StringEx.GetStringSize(List`1 bytes, Int32 index)
      at Xv2CoreLib.StringEx.GetString(List`1 bytes, Int32 index, Boolean useNullText, EncodingType encodingType, Int32 maxSize, Boolean useNullTerminator)
      at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser.GetSkillEntries(Int32 count, Int32 offset)
      at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser.Parse()
      at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser..ctor(Byte[] _bytes)
      at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW.GetParsedFileFromGame(String path, Xv2FileIO fileIO, Boolean onlyFromCpk)
      at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW.GetParsedFile[T](String path, Boolean fromCpk)
      at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW..ctor(InstallerXml _installerXml, ZipReader _zipManager, MainWindow parent, Xv2FileIO fileIO, FileCacheManager _fileManager)
      at LB_Mod_Installer.MainWindow.d__76.MoveNext()

    2. i get what you mean, if i may guess the omni goku black you want is this =

      the screenshoot is diabolical, i know, but I think that’s the updated version of that mod, version.. 3? It hasn’t been released yet.
      Version 2 isn’t too hard to find, but version 3 is supposed to be pretty different. (version 3 is the one used in video). Im in possesion of the mod so if you want the REAL deal just dm back here and maybe we can solve smth, idk. As for the sound design, you need a chinsese jiren mod, i also have that

  2. Hey I’m new to modding and idk if anyone will see this but, why do my stats just drop with any mod I use? In training and photo mod my cac and any other character I put in the game is crazy strong, but then I do an offline pq and its like im lvl 1. What did I do wrong?

  3. Hi, I don’t know whether you’ll ever read this message @DK420187 but if you’ll do, please update the aura installer from this mod, ‘cos with the last update of the game and of the patcher (current version 3.9) the installer keeps me getting an error, so I can’t install that magnificent aura for this character. Thanks

  • 34Mods
  • 36Followers

File size
37.82 MB
Credit given to modders
October 4, 2021

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