Outfits, Outfits
Goku’s Damaged Undershirt freiza & buu saga colorable with/without anime shading
Goku’s Damaged Undershirt freiza & buu saga colorable with/without anime shading

Damaged gi freiza saga (replaces turtle hermit git) and buu saga (replaces gokus damaged gi) fully colorable with proper skin tone and anime shading
with the fixed spacing isssue no uv line cause its a pain in the ass and im still a noob
1.0 inintial release
2.0 added anime shading
3.0 added buu saga gi colorable with or withouth anime shading
4.0 added fixed spacing between pants and bust
5.0 added pants
Can you please make this an x2m?? This drag and drop bs always has a problem for some stupid reason. If you ever read this comment
how do you download?
make a female version ‘w’