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Gun Ki Blast

For a long time I've wanted to have a ki blast type that would simply shoot a regular gun, similar to how Bulma/Mai/Launch do blasts in Legends, but no one's really given me what I really was looking for.

When Eternity added support for installing custom ki blasts as x2m's for version 1.21, I remembered the idea and saw the opportunity to make it happen.

Since this is an x2m, you can add it onto any character and have them blast others with this lovely firearm. Goku with a gun? Broly with a gun? You can have it all. Unless it's your CaC with a gun, adding new ki blasts into super souls is a good bit more effort, but you can still use it on an x2m version 1.22 update: well, as it turns out, Eternity heard us out again. With the tools for version 1.22 we got a new one, for creating super souls, including an ability to include a custom ki blast. The ki blast x2m in this mod has been marked as usable for super souls, and I have also included an example super soul x2m with the ki blast embedded.

I'm also classifying this as modders resource, meaning you can use it for your own mods without asking me for permission, as long as you credit me. This is mostly done for practicality's sake, as I've found linked skills a bit annoying to get working, so if you want to upload a character that's supposed to use this, you can simply embed it into their x2m. You can also use it as a template for your own ki blast skills,

Special thanks to DemonBoy for getting me the model of Mr Satan's gun from Breakers.

To use on a CaC: install the example super soul, purchase it in the item shop, and equip it. You can also edit other effects on the soul in the Super Soul Creator, or embed the ki blast skill into a completely new Super Soul, the process is similar as with characters, written below.

To use on an x2m character: edit desired character in CharaCreator, go to CUS tab, either link (not recommended) or embed (recommended) the Ki Blast x2m, change the blast type to the one marked at the bottom as [X2M], save and install/update the character. A basic x2m character is included as an example, and a screenshot of the right tab in CharaCreator is on this mod's page.


  • Initial release


  • Enabled flag to allow the ki blast to be used by super souls
  • Added an example super soul x2m
  • 35Mods
  • 100Followers

File size
4.39 MB
Credit given to modders
August 17, 2024


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  • 35Mods
  • 100Followers

File size
4.39 MB
Credit given to modders
August 17, 2024

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