In the Realm of Gods (Custom Expert Missions) [PACK 1]

Hello there!
So there I was, looking for something new to create.. Until I noticed something: They don't have a "realm of Gods" mission for Frieza, but only for Goku and Vegeta! So, I decided to take it on myself to make one! Of course, only ONE wasn't enough, I had to make more! So here it is: In the Realm of Gods, Pack one! I'm going to make as many packs as I need, and a special surprised as well! I'll be including x2m characters, moves, and skills! I'm currently working on a few that use the x2m characters and skills, but those will be not for a while yet, so stay tuned! I hope you all enjoy them as much as I loved making them!
Use Eternity's x2m installer