ItsSteveMods Xenoverse 2 Shaders

New shaders made by me (compatible with ReShade). If there's any problem please let me know in the comments. UltraShaders - Recommended for strong computers. SlimShaders - Recommended for low computers.
Unzip the zip and drag the bin folder in your XV2 directory
1.0: Release 1.5: Apported some changes to made the shaders better to the eye 2.0: Added the Slim Shaders 3.0: Upgraded the Shaders
whys my character transparent after i use the shaders? any fix please
Does it replace DYT files, or does it apply to the ACTUAL shaders in game?
I think it replaces it, i’m sorry if it isn’t what you were looking for but i’m a newish
its actually a reshade preset, so it aint replacing any DYTs or any shading files (like demonboy’s mods)
hurts my eyes
I’m sorry for that, i apported various changes and i’ll upload the new version that will not hurt your eyes (sorry for the late reply)