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Kaido (Full Power)

I included a weaker version of this mod for those of you who don't like too powerful characters. The weaker version is still strong though.

I also included the first (and probably also only) stage I ever made. It's a very simple stage mod, so don't expect anything fancy.


1.0- Release

  • 45Mods
  • 77Followers

File size
60.96 MB
September 27, 2023


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    1. Do you seriously expect me to give every single guy asking me to do this and that an individual response? If so, then you’re clearly even more stupid than those brain-damaged dolts who apparently can’t even do a quick Google search for a modding tutorial without being told to do so.

      Now, if you have nothing to say about this mod, may it be praise or critique, don’t bother commenting anything else, as that will simply be ignored.

      1. Yes lol, ive done everything i can think of even though everything is updated it still tells me your mods require the latest patcher and installer even though as i said everything is all up to date. The odd thing is i set up a friend the very same way i set mine up and his works just fine but i see no differences between mine and his.

          1. Yep ive made sure of all that, i know a thing or two about modding to say the least and ive talked with you before a few times so i know how your mods work. However im not sure what the deal is… the game is good, the modding tools are good but the last few mods you’ve made, not to mention the last few newest mods have all told me the same thing. “this requires the newest installer” Ive tried to talk to eternity about this but at the current time ive not gotten a reply since around may 31st.

            Ive gotten the same mods and patcher and installer for a friend who does a bit of co-op with me and the same mods that tell me this requires the newest tools ect ect, hes able to install completely. So hopefully eternity comes out with an update, i love your mods dude and its shit that i cant use your latest ones.

  • 45Mods
  • 77Followers

File size
60.96 MB
September 27, 2023

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