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Kotaru (Holy State) – Legion Expansion #1

Summon the Zaphion element of Light.

Kotaru (Holy State) becomes playable in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 as part of the Legion of History expansion.

LORE: Kotaru is a 26 year-old Konatsian who is adventurous and lovestruck with Earthly things. He's very curious and sometimes bumbling. Growing up on Kallivus, he's never been to Earth and gets fascinated by everything. Kotaru and his father Whizu had been stranded in the stars on their ship after the destruction of their planet Konats. Along with them were only a certain number of survivors such as: a fighter pilot named Fiji, and the legendary heroes Tapion and Minosha. All of them were spread out across the Universe and hid on different planets in hopes to repopulate their race. Kotaru and Whizu later crash land on the dystopian planet Kallivus and live out their lives in a cave until Kotaru was 26, well long after Kotaru had come out and transitioned from female to male. After being intrigued by his curiosity, Kotaru ends up traveling to Conton City to find a new life among other living beings, because the only person he'd ever lived with was his father Whizu. This puts Kotaru in a sort of Goku situation in terms of story, but I put my own spin on it.



1 playable character: Kotaru (Holy State)

4 new skills for CACs


(Sanctified Burst) - a simple explosion super skill

(Blessed Shroud) - a reinforcement skill that grants a huge defense boost, letting you take only 40% of all attack damage

(Holy Invocation) - charge Zaphion Light energy in your hands and launch a beam toward your opponent

(Sinful Swipe) - spin like a wild tornado and push your opponent back with the Holy State's glamorous power


Big special thanks to Ghoastly for the character design, to Kristal for the amazing model, to TheTrue HQ for the skills, to Chad for the in-game portrait, and to Stellar for his voice of the character. Also thanks to Xero for the resources on the Cell (Breakers) aura.

Xero aura expansion link:

step 1. install x2m

step 2. install aura

(1.0) > First release

  • 21Mods
  • 24Followers

July 30, 2022


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  • 21Mods
  • 24Followers

July 30, 2022

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