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Majin Vegeta Overhaul

I wasn't too happy about the way Majin Vegeta was handled in this game. He just uses Vegeta's normal moveset and even his intro quotes are the same unless he faces a character that triggers special quotes. In this game he really is only Vegeta with an M on his forehead. This mod aims to provide a Majin Vegeta with a bit more personality.

He uses Baby Vegeta's fighting style, sinceĀ it's viciousness and brutality suits him very well. He also uses Mira's stance as well as several of Piccolo's animations for movement. Naturally all those animations have been adjusted to Vegeta's size thanks to the unbelievable useful tool Yet Another Ean Organizer.

He also uses different quotes for intros, victories and defeat in a match.


Worth noting that he also comes equipped with two skills from my other mods. So here is a brief explanation:

-Big Bang Attack EX is a version of Big Bang Attack with a far faster projectile for an increased cost.

-Power Rush Minor B is a version of Power Rush that only costs 3 bars but also is only about the same strength as your usual 3 bar ultimate. The reason for the "Minor B" in the name is because there is also a "Minor A" variation, with the only difference between the two being that "Minor B" does not use the cinematic camera.


There are also special "Boss" variations to be used by the AI to hopefully provide a bit of a challenge to a human player. Keep in mind that these variations have so much health that you are not likely to beat them in Free Battle unless you use the Patcher to disable the 3 minute time limit.

It's an X2M mod, so it's installed through the usual procedure.


- Initial Release


- Changed the jumping animation so that it now smoothly transitions into his idle stance after landing. You may have noticed that the animation used to just skip into place on the battle intro screen.

- Power Rush is now voiced.

- Boss variations now use a Super Soul that gives them permanent Data Input-style auto dodge.


- Redid the BAC of the mod to account for the core mechanic changes in everyone's BAC for the Ultra Pack 1 update. Did a fair share of additional smaller BAC edits as well. Most of them shouldn't be very noticeable, besides Majin Vegeta now using an aggressive expression during his intro animation even before speaking.

- He now uses a different set of eyes. His Super Saiyan 4 eyes, to be exact. But of course recolored to match the normal Super Saiyan eyes.

- I also increased his stats to match the stat increase that were given to all cast characters in the Ultra Pack 1 update.


  • 25Mods
  • 4Followers

File size
8.18 MB
Credit given to modders
USSJ Luffy
August 7, 2019


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  • 25Mods
  • 4Followers

File size
8.18 MB
Credit given to modders
USSJ Luffy
August 7, 2019

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