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Mastered Super Saiyan Blue (For Male and Female Saiyans)

Hola que hace

This is the first mod I've ever made that worked. It works for both male and female saiyans. I used assets from another mod that I'll link in here. I based it on the Vegito from TorrinSol's Dragon Ball Taiyou. It appears in the skill shop as soon as you advance enough in the story, I think. If you want clothes from my cac, you experience any bug, or have any suggestions, leave it in the comments and I'll try to help.

Here is the mod I used and some auras that you need for it

(mod I used to make this)

(auras required)


Espero que ustedes lo disfruten.ย  :)

The usual, x2m installation using xv2ins

1.0 - released

1.1 - changed the eye color of all stages to yellow and changed stats a bit

  • 5Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
5.95 kB
July 6, 2021


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  1. @omniyujinstinct792
    First, I’m leaving another reply separately because it doesn’t let me reply to your comment.
    Second, from what I know, you can’t mod dbxv2 on console, only on pc, and if you mod it you can’t play online, or at least are not supposed to. So if you want to mod it you have to download the game on pc, via steam or less legit means. Sorry if you wanted it modded on console.

        1. But how am I gonna do that if you are the one that downloads my mod to put it into your game? I can’t just make it so you already have it. If you want to have the transformation, you can do this.
          First, you download the mod from here, in the website. Second, you install it using xv2ins. Then you enter the game and buy it from the skill shop. If it isnโ€™t there, try either checking in your skill inventory, where you select the skills of your cac, to see if you already have it, or advance a bit in the story if you havenโ€™t done anything yet.

          Sorry if it’s too much text, but I think this is it. If that is not what you want, explain it to me clearer so can fully understand you.

    1. It depends if it’s for male or female, but at least in my case it’s:
      -SS1 = 297
      -SS2 = 298
      -SS3 = 004
      -SS1 = 297
      -SS2 = 298
      -SS3 = 299
      For the male in ss1 and 2 in the names they have Hair with capital letter, but ss3 has hair in lowercase, so be sure to check that. For females it’s the same, ss1 and 2 have Hair in capital, but ss3 has hair lowercase.

      Oh and, I think you need Lazybones’ installer so that regular transformations change hair, at least that’s what I did, since this one, my mod, works like regular ss3 in terms of changing hair.

    1. I don’t completely understand what you are trying to say. But I hope this helps. First, you download the mod from here, in the website. Second, you install it using xv2ins. Then you enter the game and buy it from the skill shop. If it isn’t there, try either checking in your skill inventory, where you select the skills of your cac, to see if you already have it, or advance a bit in the story if you haven’t done anything yet.

    1. Maybe, because, before this was finally posted, I tried for weeks uploading it. It always just disappeared, even for me to see it. But a few tries before this one, it said that message of something like “This mod has been held up for moderation” or something. So it may be the same, but from the times it didn’t still work.

  • 5Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
5.95 kB
July 6, 2021

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