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New Super Soul Ki Blast Types

This mod adds data for 7 new ki blasts types CaCs can use by equipping super souls.

By itself you can have the installer edit existing super souls for the new types or you can use it with my XV2 Super Soul Editor tool to add them to any Super Soul or create brand new Super souls with them. These ki blast types can also be used on x2m characters if you set them to use these ki blast types with this mod installed.

The new ki blast types are as follows:

1. Videl - Basic ki blast with no ability to charge shots.

2. Broly - Green colored Bomb Ki Blast.

3. A21 - Android 21's Rush KI blast type that uses slicing kicks.

4. Golden Form - Frieza Race's Godlen Form Ki Blast type.

5. Purification Form - Purifications Form's Portal Kicks.

6. Xenoverse 1 - Classic Xenoverse 1 styled ki blasts.

7. Jaco - A fully custom ki blast type inspired by Jaco. Use a blaster to shoot beams.


You can check the included README for more info on how to use these ki blasts with custom super souls or what default super souls will be edited to use them.

Special thanks to Unleashed for helping create the custom Jaco ki blast type.

--Basic Method--

1. Run the "DB - SS KiBlast Extend" installer

2. Choose the option to edit existing super souls.

3. Wait for it to install and done.

The super souls listed below should now have changed ki blast types.

--Using the Xv2 Super Soul Editor Method--

1. Run the "DB - SS KiBlast Extend" installer

2. Choose either option in the SS KiBlast Extend installer. (editing existing souls or not.)

3. Download my Super Soul Editor ( and place the EfectData.xml from the "Extra" folder into the same folder as the Soul Editor EXE.

4. Use the Super Soul Editor and change the Ki Blast type of any soul to any of the new ones added by the mod.

5. Save your changes and you are done.

1.0 - Initial release


1.5 - Added 4 new ki blasts types (Golden form, Purification, XV1, and Jaco) Gave Hercule's rock throw type (slightly) better animations. Fixed sound effects for A21's Ki Blast type. Added Super Soul IDs in the README for super souls that will be edited when the option to edit the base game super souls is enabled.

1.6 - Updated for Xenoverse 2 Update 1.15

1.6b - Fixed issue in 1.16 that caused ki blasts to not work on most races.

2.0 - Update for XV2 version 1.21.02 Removed Stone ki blast type (Devs added their own version that's pretty much the same in a previous game update) Added Stone Ki Blast to Hercule Super Souls that did not have it Added Soaring Fist ki blast type from UI Awoken to Goku UI Sign's Soul With help from Atsu, Fixed long annoying issue of super souls not displaying the ki blast type name in equipment customization menu.

  • 19Mods
  • 83Followers

File size
14.13 MB
Credit given to modders
DemonBoy, Unleashed, Atsu
December 24, 2023


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  • 19Mods
  • 83Followers

File size
14.13 MB
Credit given to modders
DemonBoy, Unleashed, Atsu
December 24, 2023

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