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Hello everyone! I have finally completed this mod!

Now, SSGSS (Evolved) Mk. II has increased damage, and increased defense. You become so powerful you might as well be two warriors combined and then some!

Special thanks to Shakaro, who helped me make this aura! As an artist as well, I couldn't resist drawing my own textures :)

Thank you for downloading and have a blessed day!

Before you run off with my mod, a bug has come to my attention. There is a collision between my aura and Expanded's. If you really want to use this custom aura, then uninstall the Expanded aura through the EEPK editor. You can find the aura IDs for the Expanded aura by popping the Beta version of the transformation into Skill Create so you can delete them. If you want to use Expanded's aura then do not delete anything.

  1. Drag and drop the contents of the folder into game directory.
  2. Open the installer and install the aura.
  3. Install the X2m into your X2m installer.
  4. Purchase from skill shop and enjoy!
  1. 1.0 Uploaded to Xenoverse mods!
  2. 1.1 Edited the aura to be more accurate to the promotional anime!
  3. 1.2 Increased stats, as I forgot to lmao. Also updated some small stuff with the x2m.
  • 7Mods
  • 1Followers

September 6, 2023


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  1. Ok. I put EVERYTHING from the aura folder in my DB Xenoverse 2 Directory, and I Extracted the aura into a file folder. But when I run the installer, it still says the “SSGSSE MKII aura.installinfo” could not be found.

  2. The mod itself is very promising, but the way you have to install it is a bit weird. Can’t you use another method to download it, such as MEGA, or even just an installer that downloads all the files into the game right from the get-go?

  3. I tried dragging the aura contents into my DBXV2 game directory but when i run the installer it says the file “SSGSSE MKII aura.installinfo” could not be found! This file should be in the same directory as the executable. The installer will now close.

  • 7Mods
  • 1Followers

September 6, 2023

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