[Outdated] XV2 Save Editor 8.1

(DLC 7 v1.10 support)
- Edit character's - name - race - level - experience points - attributes - skills (for each preset) - current mentor and training level/exp ...
- Set score and rank for all quests: - Main Story - Parallel quests - Mentor quests - Side Quests (Guru's house, Capsule Corporation, Great Saiyaman Justice Partrols, Frieza's spaceship, Awakenings) - Advancement tests - Expert missions - Challenge quests - Raid quests - Frieza's Siege Event
- Set locked/unlocked status for all skills. - Super attacks - Ultimate attacks - Evasive skills - Awoken skills
- Edit items (Inventory) - Upper body - Lower body - Hand - Feet - Accessory - Super soul - Mixing items and food - Important objects - Capsules - QQ Bangs
- Edit Play Data: - Edit Play Trends and Base Activity
Supported platforms:
- PC Only
- installed .NET Framework (at least version 4.5)
DLC 7/v1.10
Next update will support Hero Colosseum customization
Remember always to update the tool
Please do NOT reupload the tool and stop distribute old versions.
Created by becks7
Credits: - Eternity for xv2savdec
- Run XV2 Save Editor, then File > Open
- Select DBXV2.sav
- After making your changes, save your file
- Run the game and enjoy
If you have installed new/extra skills with x2m, do the following:
- Open sup.xml (if you added super attacks) or ult.xml (if you added ultimate attacks) or eva.xml (if you added evasive skills) with notepad++/notepad
- At the bottom of the file add your new skill (its name and its ID) (Add it BEFORE (No Skill) node) See the image at the top of the page
- Now when you open the tool you will see your new skills at the bottom of the list
version - Support for DLC 7.00/v1.10 - The tool now decrypts automatically the save game (no need to drag and drop it) - Ability to import and export all 8 CACs between save files (You can now exchange CACs with your friends!) - Editing Tokipedia progress - Editing Conton City Hero Statue - Major bugfixing
version 0.7.5
- Minor bugfixing
version 0.7.4
- Fixed starting outfit bug
- Added support for DLC 6.00/v1.09
- Added more customizations to quest editing
- Added auto-backup savegame functionality
- Fixed max friendship bug
- Other bugfixing ...
version 0.7.1
- Added option to edit master progress/friendship
- Added option to edit training level and training xp
- Bugfixing ...
version 0.7
- Added support for DLC 5.00/v1.08
- Fixed training level bug
- Fixed QQ bangs sorting list
- Fixed ultimate finish conditions when clearing PQ
- Other bugfixing ...
version 0.6.5
- Fixed current clothing removal bug - Added option to edit Play Data
version 0.6.1
- Added option to edit current mentor - Fixed Distorted Eggs issue
version 0.6
- Added option to set Experience points based on level - Added option to edit Experience points - bugfixing
version 0.5.5
- Fixed skills unlocking bug
- Added support for Added/Extra skills (including x2m)
- Fixed "all cleared" bug for quests
- bugfixing
version 0.5.1
- Fixed capsules, mixing items and food issue
- Fixed presets sorting issue
version 0.5.
- First public version
it says i dont have internet when I try to load my save file
It Said i have to connect to the internet but i’m already connected to the internet
App doesn’t work fine anymore. I have game 1.18 and when I try to give to my cac every clothes, items and artworks, it just gives me a few.
I’m having an issue wher the app won’t open. when I open the iso it just opens another folder with “install” disk, and does nothing when I open it
Does this work on version 1.17.02 because every time I open my save file in the app it just freezes?
The app opens for me but it freezes when I load my save file.
It only works (16.00) version
Please update to new versions
cant open save file
erreur code:an unhandled exception was raised during execution of the application details:offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection
hello where is the download
hola bien
Is that work on ps4 ??????????????
I ran the save editor. gave myself some stuff, saved successfully. Ran XV2 and my save is gone. Fix?
the app not opening