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Prince’s Arsenal! 5-in-one Vegeta-based skill!

"Arsenal" hopefully won't become a theme, I just couldn't think of a good name for this one.

Neutral = Final Flash

Up = Final Shine Attack

Left = Super Galick Gun/God Heat Flash

Right = Gamma Burst Flash

Down = Final Explosion


I'm actually very happy with how this skill came out! It has an English VOX for CACs as well as all Vegetas, Gogetas and Vegitos in the game!


Note that there is a couple differences with the skill than what was shown in the video (as these were last minute additions)


- Final Explosion now uses Gamma Burst Flash's knockback when the effects appear around your character.

- There is now a second version of the skill that uses God Heat Flash from Unleashed instead of Super Galick Gun. This is primarily for people who will be using this skill on presets that also use 5 Galick Guns (one of my previous merges) as to not have 2 of the same skill in your skillset.

That being said, each version has their unused counterpart inside their BCM so if you'd like to try fiddling with combinations of the 6 Ultimates be my guest. Just note that if you choose to do so I will *not* be assisting you with it.


- Thank you to the one and only Unleashed for allowing the use of his amazing skill!

Original Skill (Gamma Burst Flash) -

Original Skill (God Heat Flash) -

VGM Page -

Patreon -


- The Sounds Resource website for the voice lines for Vegeta's Final Flash!

Page -


As always be sure to let me know if you encounter any issues with this mod!

Install one of the X2Ms provided

1.0: Skill completed

1.1: Added knockback to Final Explosion, better tracking to Gamma Burst Flash (to avoid mis-aiming when using from long range) and a 2nd version that uses God Heat Flash instead of Super Galick Gun. This is for those who would like to use this skill and 5 Galick Guns in the same skillset and not have a wasted direction.

1.2: Added animations for God Heat Flash on Female CACs

  • 23Mods
  • 59Followers

File size
40.75 MB
Credit given to modders
April 22, 2024


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  1. ideia:You could make smth like ”Jiren’s arsenal” with skills like Hellstar sphere from Dexio,Burst Impact from Unleashed,Blazing megaton heat,Glare Blitz and other skills.

    i really liked Hit’s

    1. I plan to do some for more popular characters first. At this point, after I’m done with my next one I’m prioritizing Vegito and Gogeta mainly because although these skills are *meant* for CACs, they’re also made to work for roster characters when possible and I really want to complete their merged Ultimate skillsets. As well, I have written down some other themed merges that aren’t necessarily character exclusive.

      All that to say, it might take a while but a Jiren-based merge will definitely happen at some point in the future!

      Thank you btw I also really like Hit’s :D!

  2. oh hell yeah! i’ve been waiting for a Final Flash/SSJ Vegeta 5-in-1 like this, you’re a hero. it might just be me, but the God Heat Flash version isn’t working on my SYF CaC though. all the other skills still work, but when activating the GHF input it just eats your ki.

  • 23Mods
  • 59Followers

File size
40.75 MB
Credit given to modders
April 22, 2024

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