Prominent Combination Moveset! (SYF/HUF/MAF)

Aye finally got my computer built, so here's another moveset from ya boy
Put a lot of effort into this, as I wanted to show how much progress I've made since the last moveset.
Let me know what y'all think, also leave some love on the video if you want a male tailored version of the moveset
Shout out to the Citadel server for the help with tail animations and more!
Edit: I hear you guys, I'll get to making SYM/HUM variations. Expect them within the next few days, thanks for all of the support!
Update 8/3: Male edition is also available. Check my channel for the download
eternity's x2m install thingy
big shock amirite?!
1.0 - release
1.01 - Super Saiyan 3 stance tail animation fixed