Roster Character No Glow Pack

[What this mod does do]
This mod changes the super saiyan texture of all transformable characters in the roster to match their base form. Basically I removed the glow from the super saiyan transformation. Hair still changes colour, as well as eyebrows, eyes, and tails. Super saiyan 3 colours are also change for the characters that use it. It is possible that I have missed certain parts on some characters, though from the testing I did I haven't seemed to miss anything.
[What this mod doesn't do]
This mod does not remove the glow from the custom character, nor does it give the super saiyan transformation (or new textures) who can not transform in the base game.
Use your preferred method, tutorials are easily found.
V2- Removed the glow from Characters already in a transformed state (Super Perfect Cell, SSB/SS4 Goku/Vegeta, Teen Gohan, Broly etc