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Saiyan Recon Armor HUM/SYM

Unique armors for males have been slow to come by lately. Want something a little different from yet another DB characterโ€™s clothes but for your CAC? Want your CAC to be Swift Silent and Deadly? The Saiyan Recon Armor was made with the above in mind. Stalk your enemies and be well equipped for the long haul away from friendly support. 2 versions available Camo Version and Non-Camo Version. All Parts Colorable. HUM/SYM Male Only Tattoos are NOT included If you want Tattoos I have included a Readme file for how to get some. This is my 2nd mod and took a lot of trial and error. As such it will be updated sometimes as I improve on modeling texturing etc. Features custom made assets, vanilla assets, and assets from some of your favorite modders here online. Armor was cut and separated to mimic the feel/look of modern plate carriers used these days. How to install/Where to Find X2M and/or Drag and Drop (If you want both pants versions open one of the X2Ms and extract the pants rename as desired) All parts can be bought in the store.

-----------------FEEDBACK FOR IMPROVEMENT IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED--------------- Requirements: XV2INS (As Always) Permissions: This mod was created with permissions and guidance from multiple creators. Notes: EMB mapping is not perfect. Will continue to work on this and update as it improves. Knife weirdly is shadowed in the lobby but perfect in battle. Iโ€™m not yet sure how to fix this. -------SPECIAL THANKS-------

Guidance and Assets MoonMoon/Kurokek - Straps and Leg assets diegoforfun2k17 โ€“ Gloves and Guidance Hank Hill Propane Prince โ€“ Carbine ๐““๐“ป๐“ช๐”‚๐“ต๐“ธ๐“ท- EMM guidance ThatGuyNamedTed- Normals flipping guidance Eternity for the XV2 Patcher and Installer The CITADEL (Discord) for all the tutorials guidance and critiques

Testing/Screenshots ACHtheUltimate Caelum CheddarMuncher

Disclaimer: Again, this is my 2nd modeling, rigging, and coloring mod and was made with a lot of learning and trial and error. Other assets were used during the building learning process, but should have been removed before the final product. As such if it is found that an asset was used that wasn't supposed to be in there or is uncredited please let me know and it will be corrected. If I missed crediting someone or a group it wasn't intentional please again just let me know. I am okay with this mod being used, enhanced for other mods. !!!!HOWEVER!!!!! I am not the original creator for some assets. You must contact the modders in the credits if you plan to use an asset that came from them.

X2M or Drag and Drop (If you want both pants versions open one of the X2Ms and extract the pants rename as desired)

1.1 Remade bullets on chest now not just 1 color old files included

  • 3Mods
  • 32Followers

File size
23.54 MB
April 10, 2021


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  • 3Mods
  • 32Followers

File size
23.54 MB
April 10, 2021

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