Saria gives Dragon Balls

Other languages work too but won't have any dialog, he'll do the animation and give the balls, but won't say anything.
If you don't want him to say his english lines just remove the .msg file shown below in the installation/uninstallation.
You HAVE to be on update 1.09 or this won't work. (XV2patcher 2.0+)
Install/update XV2Patcher, and this will load loose files in your game root. (Where the 'bin' and 'cpk' folder are located)
Place the 'data' folder in your game root.
Uninstall any conflicting any mods using xv2ins, then install this so nothing is getting overwritten, then reinstall any uninstalled .x2ms to make things compatible.
Uninstallation: Delete these follow files from the data folder
- dataeventlobbylobby_event_manage.tsd
- dataeventlobbysaria.tsr
- datamsglobby_text_en.msg
- Reuploaded due to site maintenance wiping out recent mods.
- Updated for version 1.09.01 (XV2Patcher 2.2)
this needs to be updated for 1.18 i followed all install instructions and all i get is a white screen with sounds in the background
The mod doesn’t work for me. It’s not an x2m file
the mod is still working, but every login I get the “new artworks” and cc mascots messages, sadly.
So I uninstalled it for now.
I hope you will update this mod someday!