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Serenity (Earthling Awoken)


You calm down your body and mind by leaving all bad thoughts aside, this will increase your Ki Blasts and Ki Recovery greatly, but will decrease the damage of your Super Strikes.

You gain +45% Dmg in ur Ki Blasts, but also a -30% Dmg in Super Strikes, so its kinda balanced.

This is the "Ki Blast" version of my previous mod, pretty simple, its a bit based on the Power-Up krilin had in DBS.


Calmas tu cuerpo y mente dejando todos los malos pensamientos de lado, esto incrementara en gran medida tus Ráfagas Ki, pero debilitara tus Super Golpes

Ganas un 45% de daño en Ráfagas Ki, pero también pierdes 30% de daño en Super Golpes, así es un poco balanceado

Esta es la versión de "Ráfagas Ki" de mi mod anterior, es bastante simple, está un poco basado en el Power-Up que Krilin tuvo en DBS.



ToMista Joestar
  • 2Mods
  • 6Followers

File size
1.63 MB
Credit given to modders
Dinnerbone, Unleashed, Eternity Tools, Azura's Auras, AbyssWalker, TheMiiKing, AlphaGames
May 9, 2024


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  1. This mod seemed to break my game. Not only could I not find the awoken, but I couldn’t go to guru’s house or any of the other time anomalies. Don’t know what happened, but the x2m file even had a different name after adding it to eternity, so I don’t know what happened, but I won’t be able to use this mod.

  2. This mod seemed to break my game. Not only could I not find the awoken, but I couldn’t go to guru’s house or any of the other time anomalies. Don’t know what happened, but the x2m file even had a different name after adding it to eternity, so I don’t know what happened, but I won’t be using this mod.

ToMista Joestar
  • 2Mods
  • 6Followers

File size
1.63 MB
Credit given to modders
Dinnerbone, Unleashed, Eternity Tools, Azura's Auras, AbyssWalker, TheMiiKing, AlphaGames
May 9, 2024

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