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SS4 Goku/Gogeta Hairstyle for SYM CaC’s Super Saiyan 1 and 2 (With PHYSICS!)

A mod I made about a year and a half ago. I was waiting to see if anyone would upload something similar, but I guess it wasn't uploaded or I didn't see it.

Anyway, this mod is exactly what it says. It'll turn your SS hair SS4 Goku's, and your SS2 hair SS4 Gogeta's. Thing is, this requires editing the BCS file for Human and Saiyan CaCs. Don't worry! You'll just have to download a tool (If you don't have it already) and copy-paste a bunch of text and files.

  1. Download Genser ( Extract the contents of the ZIP file into a folder.
  2. Find the file HUM.BCS. It should be in DB Xenoverse 2/data/chara/HUM. If you have Lazybones' New Transformation mods, it should be there for sure. If the file is not there, you'll have to extract it from the game's CPK. Scroll down to the end if you want to know how.
  3. Copy (CTRL + C) the HUM.BCS file, and paste it (CTRL + V) in the folder you extracted Genser into. Drag the file into genser.exe. This will create a file called HUM.BCS.XML. Open that file.
  4. Search for "297". This is the entry that controls what Super Saiyan hair, eye, etc. that you get when transforming.
  5. Scroll down a bit and find "Part idx="5"". Below that it will say "Hair". If you see "This entry is empty", select it. Otherwise, select everything from "<Part idx="5">" to "</Part>".
  6. Now open my ZIP file, and open the TXT file called "Partsets". Copy everything from Goku starting from "Hair" until "PhysicsObject", tab back into the XML file and just press CTRL + V.
  7. Now scroll down a bit more until you find "298" which is the SS2 config. Scroll down a bit further and find "Part idx="5"" for 298.
  8. Repeat the same process, but this time copypaste everything from Gogeta starting from "Hair" until "PhysicsObject".
  9. Save the file, and drag the XML file into genser.exe. Now copy HUM.BCS, and paste it back into DB Xenoverse 2/data/chara/HUM.
  10. Now go back into my ZIP file and extract everything from it except "Partsets" into DB Xenoverse 2/data/chara/HUM as well.
  11. And that's it! You're done!

If you didn't find HUM.BCS in the first place, download YACE (In the same site linked at the beggining), and extract data.cpk. It'll take a few minutes, but you'll get the HUM.BCS file in the directory you save data.cpk's extraction to.

I understand it's a wall of text, and almost too complicated for 2 hairstyles, but the thing is I can't provide you with a HUM.BCS file, because mine is heavily edited, and probably has a lot of things you wouldn't want, as custom outfits, transformations, hairstyles, etc. are all saved to the BCS file. Meaning every BCS file is unique. Not only that, but if you get someone else's BCS file but you don't have the required files for that BCS to work, your game WILL crash. So this is the next best thing I could do.

1.01: Added a text file to the download, as the site screwed up the formatting of what you were supposed to copypaste.

  • 2Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
238.29 kB
Credit given to modders
June 21, 2019


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  • 2Mods
  • 1Followers

File size
238.29 kB
Credit given to modders
June 21, 2019

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