Star-Lord (Guardians of the Galaxy)
The infamous outlaw, Star-Lord, enters the world of Dragonball! (Who?) Now I would like to mention that the arms are a bit weird and the animations are a bit glitched. (to be honest, it makes him look ridiculous and I think it's pretty funny). I wish I could fix it, but I've had more issues with making this mod than Star-Lord has with himself. (Seriously, anyone remember the Jackson Pollick Joke? Loved that one. XD) As far as I can tell, this is the only way I can keep parts of the model from going full Power Poll. Then again, I'm not the best at weighting, so if anyone wants to take a crack at fixing the animations without causing him to look like a porcupine, go ahead. (Then again maybe I should of chosen that over him looking ridiculous during some animations. I mean, his name is Peter Quill. Get it? Ok, sorry I'll go now. *runs off and cries in the distance*) Anyway, if the animations bugs bother you too much, I find it helps to just assume he has somehow been possessed by the ghost of Deadpool. (Seriously, the bugged animations look like they should be custom animations on a Deadpool mod.) I also was unable to animate the fingers with this model, and he has a few hitbox issues with combos. All in all, I would fix try to fix these, but with this model, I'll likely cause like 2-3 more issues for every issue I fix. I would just scrap the mod, but this took all week just to get him playable, and the only thing that really is that big of an issue is the hitbox problems, and only the end of the light and heavy basic attack combos have them. So basically two frames between both types of basic attacks can glitch. They work sometimes, but not that often. Sorry, I hate releasing such a buggy mod, but anything better with this model is beyond my current skill level.
Use XV2INS.exe.