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Super Genki Dama

Hold Skill Input to charge a Super Spirit Bomb! Press Guard input to cancel charge and preserve energy.

Different outcomes will trigger depending if you're transformed or in base form


to launch the spirit bomb, or trigger the alternate outcome, the skill requires an additional 3 Ki

Note that the alternate outcome will trigger with any transformation, not strictly super saiyan type i could restrict it to be that, but that means skill users will have to use specific CUS AURA values which will break some custom movesets, and will also mean the skill will be for saiyans only but with this its available for every race


install X2M using XV2 installer by Eternity, THEN run the CMN_Installer

1.0 - Released

  • 100Mods
  • 392Followers

April 4, 2024


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  1. I made an account here JUST to post that this is honestly how the Super Spirit Bomb in XV2 SHOULD work (maybe minus the Spirit Saiyan thing, but that’s just dope). The move in the base game is WAY too slow, and Revenge Death Ball shows what the move should do, instead of taking forever and a year just to throw an ultimate that does decent damage.

  2. The description states there’s a version that triggers Potential Unleashed. I tried all three downloadables from the patreon and my human character is still going super saiyan from the base outcome of the skill. Aside from that little issue, this mod is amazing.

  3. Top quality as always! I did notice something odd tho about the skill. Whenever i try to have this be a final blow to someone it always leaves them with 1 health and cant seem to kill unless there alredy on 1 health when i land the attack

  • 100Mods
  • 392Followers

April 4, 2024

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