Super Gogeta’s Clothes Remake [HUM]

Hello everyone!
In the previous game (Xenoverse 1) Gogeta's Clothes were representing SSJ4 Gogeta's. Once I got my hands on these clothes in XV2 I was really disappointed. I thought that this set of clothes would be SSJ Gogeta's but they are the same clothes that were in XV1.
So I decided to learn how to mod the game by myself and made a little tweaks to Gogeta's outfit.
What's changed:
- Wristbands have been changed to SSJ Gogeta's
- Bands' color has been a little darkened
- Orange collar stays orange when going Super Saiyan, like it supposed to
Sorry, but for now this mod is for Human and Saiyan Males only. I might do it for others when I get some free time and a desire to learn more about modeling.
Also big thanks to one of the professional modders out there - Tryzick, for guiding me through this as this is my first mod I've ever done. Have fun!
For DBXV2 Patcher: Put the chara file inside data folder in your main game directory.
For Repacking: Unpack data.cpk, put all the files from rar into data->chara->HUM and repack.
where did you get the gogeta hair from pls send a link for it