Super Saiyan 4 / SS4 / SSJ4 HUM Hair and Fur DYT Pack (Lazybone’s Transformations)
Package of DYTs that change your hair and fur color. This is my first mod, unfortunately I'm not too sure how to get the eyebrows to change color but if someone can let me know how i'll definitely update the mod with eyebrows included. I am also open to suggestions on SS4 colors it just won't be guaranteed on when i'll do it.
Installation: Choose your desired fur color and hair and drop into data > chara > HUM
Lazybone's New Transformations required:
Choose Hair and Fur -> Drop into data / chara / HUM
hair doesn’t work
hair doesn’t work for me either :c
For some reason, the hair won’t work for me. The fur is working perfectly fine, though.
needs dark brown/oozaru like fur color DYT
Amazing mod. Any chance on purple and maybe orange fur?