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Super Saiyan 5 CAC

Super saiyan To super Saiyan 5 For CAC

go to here for the fasha armor

This Contains Multiple ss4 and ss5 busts to choose all all set up to match the base form outfit colors

whats different?

new ss4 hair color choices green(example with the female in screenshots),pink,purple,brown,orange,red,white

Proper SSj4 eyes

Read the Read Me File Plz

Credits:daddy goketer for the ssj5 textures

x2m and data

1.0 initial

2.0 added beard fix

3.0 added white ss4 hair color and better ss4 purple hair color

4.0 fixed the female ss5 bust color issue

5.0 added whis symbol gi for males

6.0 added h-graphics

  • 41Mods
  • 12Followers

File size
98.55 MB
Credit given to modders
VastoLordeZ aka Gale of course
May 17, 2018


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  1. As the name suggests, an Online fraction calculator is a tool that helps you perform It’s a web-based program that you can access on any device with an internet connection, including your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The calculator provides you with a user-friendly interface that allows you to input your fractions and perform various operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The Online fraction calculator also simplifies fractions, converts fractions to decimals or percentages, and provides answers in both fraction and decimal formats.

  2. The world of Dragon Ball has captivated fans for decades with its colorful characters, intense battles, and unique transformations. From the humble beginnings of Kami-Sama in the original Dragon Ball series to the powerful Super Saiyan forms of the Z Warriors in Dragon Ball Z and Super, the power levels of these characters have continually risen. But what happens when a character reaches the highest level of power? What is the journey from Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan 5? In this blog post, we’ll explore the history and power of the Super Saiyan transformation and examine the steps required to reach the highest level – Super Saiyan 5.

  3. I swear some of you need to learn about mods and modding before you even attempt to do this stuff. Some of you i swear you couldnt use your brain if your life depended on it. How about before you download the stuff and then ask stupid questions that you should already know the answers to, you learn about mods and how to mod? This may sound like im being an ass but i swear some of you… dont know seem to know anything about this sorta stuff. If you dont know what to do and how use it… then DONT F**KIN MOD! otherwise learn ur crap before you go messing with stuff you know nothing about. This isnt rocket science but some of you dont seem to know what google is actually for, its not that hard to learn how to do this stuff, but i guess this is what we modders get for assuming you’re intelligent human beings and know how to use this shit.

  4. Super Saiyan 5 is a special state of Buu produced when the fusion of Goku and Vegeta occur through the energy and power produced by the spirit bomb. It was said that it killed Cell , although they did not kill him completely, they suppressed all his energy so he wouldn’t be able to regenerate. The one drawback is that he would need a lot of time to recuperate from overuse and tiring out. Both Saiyans are capable of super saiyan transformation 5 as well. They were first seen after Goku sacrificed himself to stop Majin Buu’s second form, who was about to destroy planet Earth . After the fight with Kid Buu , the two Saiyans began training together under Kibito Kai’s guidance to prepare them for their continuing battle with Kid Buu . They went through rigorous training to get stronger by performing exercises that greatly increased their strength, displayed in their ability to counter Super Perfect Cell ‘s head-on attack: hurl him away like a soccer ball and then send him into orbit above Popo glacier in Antarctica .

  5. People seriously needs to do a better job of explaining how to download their mods…. “x2m and data” is a shitty description and it doesn’t help because you’ve got more files that I don’t even know what to do with….. what do you mean by data???

    1. Their under the assumption that you are intelligent and know how to install mods and use them. Maybe before you download shit you should i dunno… actually learn some shit about mods and modding for this game. I know i know… heaven forbid you use your brain for once in your life but, try?

  6. I can’t install it because I keep getting error message saying “Cannot install costume x2m: this functionality requires that the proper_noun_accessory_name_* files of all languages to be synchronized in number of entries.”

  • 41Mods
  • 12Followers

File size
98.55 MB
Credit given to modders
VastoLordeZ aka Gale of course
May 17, 2018

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