Super Saiyan Crimson, Super Saiyan Violet, Super Saiyan Crimson Violet
This is a mod pack with transformations from a story I am writing with my friends.
Azura's Aura Pack is needed for this mod to work:https: //
Lazy bones transformation mod is needed for this mod to work:
Grinns transformation pack for this to work:
possible god slayer hearts mod needed for it to work:
If you want to know more about the lore add me Instagram: Your_father_9706
Insta: Your_father_9706
Discord: Kira {C.E.O Of Getting Muted}#9534
Youtube: Kira Kage
fell free to ask any questions in the comments or on my instagram or discord
download into mod installer
1.1: added better transform animation for Super Saiyan Crimson might update the others in the future.
1.2: added better animation for violet but malfunctions to where you can transform after the transformation making your hair white unless the character is killed or battle is reset. You can still use regular violet just don't keep unlocking awoken skill. {Will look into fixes but ig you can play around with it for now.}
1.3 added better animations all around. Violet glitch still stands but is kept to keep transformation animation. download the new mods incase u need them for it to work.
funnily enough, these forms work for my oc lol, mainly just the violet one
can someone tell me why any form isn’t showing to buy
use “Save Editor” to unlock the skill, some skills when you add them they are locked and don’t automatically appear for some reason.
what is the ID for super Saiyan crimson
if your looking for the GUID its 7871d4b6-a8e1-b267-991f-87a11d151e14
wheres guid where do i go to put what ever you said
whats the id for this transformation?
if your looking for the GUID its 7871d4b6-a8e1-b267-991f-87a11d151e14
The auras are refusing to install, please fix it
install the arua packs in the discription
Its Dont work..Its like Lazybones Transformation.The animation is work but the aura or dont show.
u have to have all of the mods in the description installed for the auras you will need this mod //
Where can I find the outfits? I really want that fu sword!
Report for the fu sword its part of the gi
So am i suppose to unlock ssj from vegeta first then…….. after i download the mod and follow the install method i should have the new transformations? on PC steam version? because i havnt unlocked the base ssj form yet i just started the game im barley able to fly in conton city just need answers
They should be in the shop
Hey, when I try to install the mod a warning appears, and say to stop packaging x2,_skill.ini into the skills directory. And I can’t use the ability. Do you know why?
idk unfoutnatly
Personally I’d like to know what hair mods you’re using, because those are awesome.
I use the gohan super hero hair mod then I also use the fighterz broly hair mod and the last one comes from this hair pack i forgot the name off
I like it only thing i would say change is the transformation animation . and also the aura makes it very hard to see your character other than that its good.