Super Soul Pack #1 – Super Vegito
This mod contains:
- 5 Super Souls of Super Vegito.
- 2 Bonus loading screens
Super Souls
All Super Souls have a +15% to all stats by default, except MAX Stamina.
1) Oh Come On! Are You Even Trying?
- [When using an Evasive Skill] Activates Just Guard for 10 seconds.
- [When you Just Guard an attack] Restores Ki. (about 1 - 2 bars)
2) Time To Wrap This Up.
- [When Heavy Smash hits Enemy] No Ki depletion for 30 Seconds. Restores all Ki and Stamina.
*I made this Soul specifically for Skills like Power Rush or Unleashed's God Meteor Strike or Silver Dragon Flash, which cost a lot of Ki. You do a stamina break and then go all out :D
3) Don`t Tell Me You`re Going To Cry.
- [When Heavy Smash hits Enemy] Extends Time of Guard Break State. (XL) Seals Guard of targeted enemy for 30 seconds.
4) Is This Pathetic Fighting Style Really All You Have To Offer?
- [When using Spirit Sword] Boosts Basic Attacks and Ki Skills. (M), Boosts Strike Super Skills and Ki Recovery. (XL) ( for 40 Seconds)
- [When using Spirit Stab, Split Finger Shot, Big Bang Attack, Savage Strike or Pressure Sign] Activates Ki Auto Recovery. (*10 Seconds)
*This one is for full Vegito cosplay. It also gives you a lightning aura if you use Spirit Sword while in base form for as long as the Super Soul is active.
5) All Right!
- [When Battle Starts] Restores all Ki
- [When Awoken Skill Activated] Restores about 60-70% of your Stamina.
Loading Screens
You can see them above as images.
Art used in loading screen images
Big thanks to o0DemonBoy0o for the Super Soul Editor.
Artwork 1
- Art 1:
- Art 2:
- Art 3:
Artwork 2
- Art 1:
- Art 2:
- Art 3:
Super Souls:
- Download theĀ Super Soul Editor
- Once downloaded, open XV2SSEdit and locate your [DBXV2]Directory. If you used the Editor before, you can skip this step.
- Top left next to "File" is "Super Soul Options". Click on that and select "Import Super Soul Package File (*.ssp)"
- Search the .ssp file contained in this mod. Click on it and "Open".
- Top left: Click on "File" -> "Save".
- Go to the shop and buy the Super Souls.
- If for some reason the souls aren't automatically in the game in the item shop open XV2SSEdit and scroll all the way down the Super Souls list, where new Super Souls are.
- "Super Soul Options" -> "Add Current Super Soul to Shop".
- Do that with all new Super Souls.
- "File" -> "Save".
Loading Screens:
The loading screens replace the images 400 and 401. I choose those by random.
- Copy all contents of "Loading Screen" Folder, so all "illust" folders and files.
- Go to [XV2]Directory -> data -> ui -> texture
- Paste
All instructions are inside the download as well.
2023-05-11 Release