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Tactical Tights- Pilot Suit

I had more ideas for a Christmas/New Year's timed release, but I've been thrown off with the lack of an official patcher for the new DLC and life in general. Either way, decided to make this as an addition to the Tactical Tights outfit pack I made a while back. This is probably my favorite of the Tactical Tights yet, and I included 3 different variations of this outfit- a black suit, a white suit, and a colorable suit. Enjoy!

UPDATE- installation files have been edited to fix issue that the costume doesn't appear in the shop.

You do not need permission to use this with other mods, but credit is appreciated.

X2M method

Version 1.0- initial release

Version 1.1- installation files updated

Solomon Edge
  • 15Mods
  • 19Followers

File size
5.15 MB
February 19, 2022


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  1. I really want to enjoy your outfits but I’ve tried both outfit mods from you and I can’t get them to show up, I am using a save editor meanly become I have beaten the game twice on ps4 and xbox one and when I moved to pc I did not feel like doing it again, but I can get other outfit mods to work so far I have only had trouble with yours witch I really like yours so if there’s something I can try please let me know. Thank you

    1. @zondra Thank you for letting me know. I’ve tried installing the mods on different computers with different save files for XV2, and they both work for me. I’ll take a look at it again and see if there’s something missing. As far as the Save Editor, I noticed some mods would not show up/work until I beat the game legitimately, so I went ahead and did that on my main character and I’ve never had an issue (even thought I’ve beaten it a few times before lol). That could be part of it, but I’ll review the files and see if I can help you out

        1. @Walker If you follow the instructions from Okraz’s mod, you should be able to use it with any clothing/body in the game. For starters, you’ll need genser and the .bcs file for HUF from your data folder. Run it through genser to create a writeable notes file. Okraz’s mod should be able to explain the rest!

Solomon Edge
  • 15Mods
  • 19Followers

File size
5.15 MB
February 19, 2022

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