The Terror of Broly

Hello Z Warriors!
I wanted to do more with this quest but I couldn't figure out how to :(. I'll be updating this quest later on to be a bit more dynamic.
Fight a powered up Broly! (He's annoying to fight lol)
X2M install
gives this broly as a transformation
Legendary Super Saiyan 3 and 4 ssj4 limit breaker
make it hard
its not working
Let me go in depth onto why pq’s like these suck. If I wanted a fun and challenging activity, I would go onto the mod site and look for something that would test my skills with my new mods. What im not expecting however, is every parallel quest on the mod site to call “difficult” hyper armor on enemies for existing, and ult spam when they get it (that you cant stam break.) I dont know if its the super souls or some specific method to beating enemies that has every pq mod creator like “man, I wonder what would make this difficult… oh yeah, literally impossible by standard means.” Don’t download unless you want to play a worse version of an expert mission with only 2 more people, or you like to use cracked super souls for whatever reason.