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Time-Lock: Tournament of Destroyers

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As of version 3, this mod is a quest pack containing two quests.


Showcase =



Even though this is the second time-lock, there is no need to play the first one to understand this one.

Important notes for considering the download of this mod:

- This quest is SINGLE PLAYER ONLY!!!!!!

- This quest is mainly focused on story. Therefore if you are not a fan of waiting sometimes even a whole minute before fighting, this quest will not be enjoyable for you.

- In order to play this mod, you MUST have game updates that contain the following characters:

→ Frost, Cabba, Hit (Awoken) (SUPER PACK 1)

→ Champa, Vados (SUPER PACK 2)


→ Kefla (EXTRA PACK 3)

→ Vegeta God, Vegeta Blue Evolved (ULTRA PACK 1)

→ Caulifla, Kale, Gogeta (DB SUPER) (Extra Pack 4)

About (features):

→ Branching storyline. You assume the role of Team Leader and control various characters. You play as either Team Universe 7 or 6. If one of your warriors gets knocked out, you start playing as another one (for example playing as Piccolo once Goku falls in battle)

→ Includes modified Kefla and her two skills (Appetizing Rush Alter and Super Saiyan 2 Kefla) and super soul - all unlockable for CaCs by beating the ultimate finish. New Kefla will be playable as well. You will have to add Kefla's soul to her manually (tutorial included in SUPER SOUL folder)

→ This mod pack includes a lot of skill mods and some character mods

→ About 2643 original unvoiced dialogues - This quest has about 50000 lines of code. I have however written some guides inside the script section of it if you are trying to learn how to code a quest yourself so feel free to have a look and inspire yourself.


This quest will have bugs. There's only so much I alone can test on about 2000 plays. Please report any and all bugs to me should you find any.

Have fun!


- Eternity for tools and tutorials

- o0DemonBoy0o for

- The modding community for guides, tutorials, tips

via Eternity's tools (additional installation guide inside downloadable file)

Public Beta 1 - Released the mod to the public


Ver. 1.1:

- When Vegeta tags out Piccolo, after defeating Cabba the quest would get stuck [fixed]

- Base Vegeta was saying God Vegeta's line [fixed]

- Vegeta will revert back to base form when asked to finish off Cabba [fixed]

- Skill "Appetizing Rush CaC" had a mistake in description [fixed]


Ver. 1.101:

- When Hit is defeated by Player while playing as Vegeta, Vados would comment on him having fought 3 battles even if Hit was the first fight Vegeta fought. Vados' speech was adjusted accordingly

- At the very beginning, if you or your chosen ally defeated Dummy Beerus, the quest would be stuck. Now upon his defeat you will be defaulted into Beerus' team


Ver. 2.0:

- Added a hidden PQ

- Added a .txt file detailing how to reach the hidden PQ

- Fixed some mistakes in dialogues

- If Dummy Beerus was defeated when you selected Vados as your ally, Idle Beerus would remain on the battlefiled [fixed]

- Added some prevention mechanisms to make double-KOs far less likely to occur. It is still possible to double-KO with someone AND IT WILL BUG OUT THE QUEST however this is so improbable that it is not high on my priority list for bug fixes

- Fixed .txt file detailing how to get Ultimate Finish as it was incomplete

- Fixed Appetizing Rush's description so that it fits on the screen

- Renamed "Appetizing Rush CaC" and in-game "Appetizing Rush" both to "Appetizing Rush Alter"


Ver. 2.1:

- Appetizing Rush Alter was not supposed to be purchasable [fixed]

- Restored the missing cutscene and added a .txt file that you should read

- Moved all .txt files to TEXT FILES folder

- Added a script-kill on Blue Goku in case Hit misses his Molotov or doesn't even use it (this could happen if he was thrown or heavy stamina broken from the top of the arena)

- Removed note about Kefla's cutscene being missing

- Super Soul "I will keep you safe inside my body." had blast type changed to bomb due to Broly's ki blast not being supported by the Super Soul editor anymore

- Rewritten some dialogues

- Added guide on how to ensure the quest gives the correct super soul as a reward (in "How to Super Souls.txt")


Ver. 3:

- Added a standalone PQ "Towa Master Mission"

- Added a new .txt file "Towa Master Mission.txt"

- Added 8 skills to be learned in this PQ


Ver. 3.01 Hotfix:

Please note: Except the hotfix the updates in this version are mostly unfinished. They will be completed once version 3.1 is ready but until then do not go too hard after being poisoned by Frost :)

- When playing as Piccolo, if you defeated Cabba, won the tag out match Vs Vegeta and then as Piccolo lost Vs Cabba, the quest would be stuck [hotfix]

- Added some parts to "Frost is cheating" part of the quest

- Added "GOKU HUB WORLD" to the script

- Added Kaioken Blue for Kefla for if she is fighting against Goku

- Changed Kefla's difficulty from Medium to Very Hard

- Changed Kefla's stats after she defeats Vegeta and Team Leader starts fighting her

- Removed Revived Frost's Meteor Crash and set his Super Attack to 0 to prevent multiple death events from starting at the same time, thus glitching out the quest

- Added "ToD:" in front of all attached mods to make it easier to find them in Mod Installer

- Removed timer


Ver. 3.1:

- If while playing as Vegeta Blue Vs Kefla (after going through Frost's poison cheating being called out by Jaco) Goku Blue was defeated in a team battle, Kefla would respawn and a different intro would play [fixed]

- Added a new dialogue for the above bugfix as before there wasn't any

- Added a new transformation skill for Vegeta Blue (Essence of Blue) if Goku Blue fails Vs Kefla in a team battle - Needs 600 ki, can be used by CaCs

- Added a space between "hmm.(whispering)" when Team Leader wants Goku to teach them how to talk telephatically

- Changed Vegeta Blue's stats

- Changed Vegeta God's stats


Ver. 3.2:

- When Frost poisons two people and you are presented with a choice - added 3 "choice" characters to make it easier to tell hitting which character will have which effect on the tournament

- Modified poison notification text and removed dialogue explaining hitting which character will have which effect on the tournament

- Added Remove choice characters.txt to TEXT FILES (you can play with them, they won't crash the game, but they are just copies of vanilla characters with different names so there's no point in keeping them around in the selector)

- Activated the third choice for when Team Leader decides what to do after Frost cheated

- Added some dialogues for more storyline choices

- Added the ability to be poison-killed by Frost for Vegeta

- Modified some dialogues to be more accurate to what is happening in the tournament

- Completed storyline for Team Universe 7. If you find any dead ends, please report them to me


Ver. 4:

- Added the option of joining Team Universe 6

- Added script1.x2qs that will be handling storyline of Team Universe 6

- Changed Goku Base's, Goku Saiyan's, Goku Blue's, Goku Blue Kaioken's stats

- Changed Frost Base's stats

- Added Frost's path up to the defeat of Goku

- Added more dialogues (subject to change as the quest continues development)

- Changed Frost's skillset and outgoing damage amount in fight Vs Goku if Goku was poison-killed but revived and fought Frost anew


Ver. 4.1:

- Reordered Frost's skills to be exactly as they are on his playable version

- Added two skills that directly control the script "Yes", "No"

- Rewrote a large portion of the quest beginning to get "Play only Ultimate Finish" part of quest to work properly without breaking the rest of the quest


Ver 4.2:

- Changed Kefla's moveset

- Added Hidden PQ and more story for Universe 6

- Updated "How to reach Hidden PQ.txt"

- Updated, added, deleted Dialogues

- Removed Frost's Super Soul

- Made adjustments to Kaioken Goku enemy's COM behaviour so that he isn't hostile when he shouldn't be

- Merged script1.x2qs with script.x2qs and removed script1.x2qs


Ver. 4.3:

- Added mod "ToD: No Damage Secret Poison" as setting atk/ki stat to 0 is impossible for some reason

- Frost was supposed to revive with more HP when Goku Saiyan 1 defeats him [fixed]

- Added a hidden ending

- Activated FrostPlayer's Poison route

- Added a hidden boss for Team Universe 6

- Completed Frost's story path

- Brought back script1.x2qs to serve as an artificial flags hub considering there is a maximum flag limit... (Suddenly "Action Nop" doesn't just waste time :))

- Added file "thoughts.txt" where I'll be writing down some noteworthy discoveries that could prove useful to quest creators


Ver. 4.4:

- Vegeta Raid Boss apparently cannot use Sword of Hope properly - the skill was removed from his boss version


Ver. 5:

- In Universe 6 Hidden PQ, the script had a chance of having multiple script events activate and cause conflict for each other. The script was modified to prevent this

- Changed Universe 6 Hidden PQ's Hit from Awoken to regular since it was breaking continuality

- Added new skill for NPC only: "ToD: Vlitra Punch"

- Introduced two new story events for Cabba that (thus far) no other character had

- Renamed "thoughts.txt" to "discoveries.txt" considering there were no free thoughts inside, only technical stuff

- Quest timer is back (though it will stay at 0:00 for 99% of the quest). This will serve to track the events that happen once certain amount of time passes so that player knows if they need/want to hurry up or slow down

- Added new character "Cabba" that is a freely playable version of his strongest form from the PQ (if you want to avoid spoilers, simply ignore him until he appears in the PQ)

- It is no longer possible to play the hidden PQ of TU6 if Frost reached Goku God or higher as his opponent


Ver. 5.1:

- You can now play as Cabba if returning from the entire TU6 hidden PQ

- For the TU6 hidden PQ, Hit was made much stronger (there is now a good chance he could win)

- Modified TU6 hidden PQ dialogues to properly display which Goku is currently active

- Made some fixes and modifications for TU6 hidden PQ

- Added a new ending


Ver. 6.0:

- Renamed the quest from "Tournament of Destroyers" to "Time-Lock: Tournament of Destroyers". This is the name you will now see in quest selector

- If Cabba defeats Goku Blue after Frost poison-killed Goku and Piccolo, defeated Vegeta and lost to Goku Blue that didn't use Kaioken, the quest would be stuck [fixed]

- If Cabba fights Goku Blue after Frost poison-killed Goku and Piccolo, defeated Vegeta and lost to Goku Blue that didn't use Kaioken, Vegeta would talk with Cabba about Super Saiyan even though he was not supposed to [fixed]

- If Cabba entered into battle with a Goku that used Kaioken against Frost who cheated, Cabba would be unkillable and Goku's defeat would not end the quest. This was due to an incorrect script command that froze up the script execution when it failed [fixed]

- If Frost poison-killed Goku and lost against Piccolo, the quest would be stuck [fixed]

- If Cabba entered into battle against Goku Blue and Frost didn't cheat and Cabba attacked Goku without reviving Frost, after Goku would enter into Blue Kaioken after being sufficiently damaged as Blue before transforming, Cabba (now villain) would transform twice in a row, first into Super Saiyan 1 and then 2 [fixed]

- Added Hit's storyline

- Sometimes when Vegeta Blue used Essence of Blue to transform, his head would have glitched color palette. For this reason the original EOB was reworked to be useable ONLY by Vegeta and a new EOB was created to be used by CaCs. For both versions the ki requirement was removed

- Added Godku - Goku God who has the proper clothing for Tournament of Destroyers

- Added Goku Omen - a playable pseudo-boss character

- Apparently the Ultimate Finish part of the quest had no "The player lost" script events... Huh... Now it is possible to fail the quest by losing to the enemies there

- During Ultimate Finish part of the quest, when Player is getting overwhelmed and an ally spawns to help them out, the Health regeneration was made weaker and enemy COM difficulty was changed and some of the COM enemies were made to specifically target the ally

- The Time-Lock's Kefla was buffed

- If during the Ultimate Finish part of the quest your Ally spawned and was defeated before Kefla entered active combat, the quest would be stuck [fixed]

- Super Saiyan 2 Kefla transformation was unusable [fixed]

- fixed, edited some dialogues

- Completed storyline for Team Universe 6. If you find any dead ends, please report them to me

- The quest is now complete and finally out of "Public Beta". Any and all bugs/issues you find, please report them to me. I will be doing some small updates here and there when I think of something, but as far as story content is concerned, that is now 100% complete

- If you lose, you will now lose some Exp and coins :)


Ver. 7:

- Script optimization

- Cabba update - Colors now match desired transformation

- Kefla Saiyan 2 update - Now has Super Saiyan 1 as well

- Super Saiyan 2 Kefla for CaCs update - Now can be used by all females. Now gives you Kefla's arms, pants, bust and hands

- Super Saiyan 2 Kefla for CaCs Costume update - Made to better fit the CaCs

- Goku Omen update - Now his eyes fit inside his head

- Vegeta (Rage) update - Remade to look better

- Kefla Alter update - Added 4 variations: Kefla in base form, Kefla that can use Kaioken Blue, New Kefla that appears in the quest since this update, lore-accurate Kefla Alter

- Added Ultra Hit - Hit that is constantly in Time-Skip and has some new skills

- Added Kefla's Clothes for females which can be bought from clothing shop

- Added Kefla's Latex clothes for females which are awarded for beating the quest

- Added Kefla Alter's clothes for females which are awarded for beating the quest with Ultimate Finish

- Added Kefla Metamorphosis - A transformation for females which makes you look like Kefla with your CaC's skin colors (facial animations are a bit off)

- Piccolo's perk that he gains if Vegeta doesn't tag him out against Cabba no longer works for some reason. It was replaced with permanent passive regen

- Goku Kaioken Blue Player and Enemy are now immune to time skips

- Made Ultimate Finish easier to reach (It is no longer locked away if you take damage as Goku Blue Vs Hit) as it is now expected of you to reach it more than once

- If, after Frost's cheating being called out by Jaco, the Player chose to play as Piccolo, defeated the first Hit but lost against the second one, the Player defeated the second Hit with Vegeta, the quest would be stuck [fixed]

- If, after Frost's cheating being called out by Jaco, the Player lost against second Hit with both Piccolo and Vegeta, the quest would be stuck [fixed]

- Updated text files

- NOTE: Update 1.19 shredded the script of this quest. I have fixed all that I could find but it is possible you will run into a situation where the game simply stops progressing. Please report this to me with as much detail as possible should you find such a thing.


Ver. 7.1:

- Added background music to some parts of the quest where before there was silence

- Changed Ally Towa's clothes during the final battle


Ver. 7.1 bug prevention tutorial:

- Added "fix CONTROLLER DISCONNECTED error.txt" to text files. If you haven't played quests that required the game to allow you to temporarily lose control over your character, here you will learn how to prevent a bug from occuring


Ver. 7.2:

- Kefla Latex Clothes & Kefla Cloth of Galaxy Clothes update - now they will retain their colors when transformed

- Kefla Alter's clothes renamed to Kefla Cloth of Galaxy Clothes


Ver. 7.3:

- If playing as roster character against Kefla in Ultimate part of the quest, the Player's movement would not be stopped [fixed]

- Changed all Towa's dialogue portraits from costume 10 to 0


Ver. 7.4:

- Added battle portraits for Kefla, Goku Omen, Ultra Hit, Cabba, Rage Vegeta

- Updated dialogues to show the new battle portraits

- Updated Kefla's Transformations to get battle portraits to work properly

- Fixed a bug that caused Vegeta's route to freeze up when multiple death events triggered from Piccolo's route

- Fixed a soft lock that prevented Vegeta's path from continuing once Hit was defeated if Vegeta fought Hit after Piccolo figured out how Time Skip works but still couldn't defeat Hit

- Hit becoming Awoken and Goku going Blue should no longer overlap when playing as Hit

- Poison-killing defeated enemies should no longer trigger special events


Ver. 7.5:

- Fixed soft-lock that happened when Cabba was defeated in the world of mind control and then Hit spawned twice and glitched out the rest of the quest

- Rewrote some dialogues

- Fixed Goten attacking the player when he wasn't supposed to (Apparently Dimps updated the way AI 401 works so now it no longer works the same way when assigned in chars.x2qs and when assigned in script. Go figure...)


Ver. 1.1 [Towa Master Mission]

- Configured some stuff for all skills to ensure they show up as useable in skill inventory

- Changed quest script to prevent it from getting stuck

- Having HP boosting Super Soul can insta-fail the quest, so.... Don't use em! :)


Ver. 1.2 [Towa Master Mission]

- Under certain conditions it was possible for the quest to not appear in the quest selection menu [fixed]


Ver. 1.3 [Towa Master Mission]

- script overhaul

- Swimsuit Position Shift update - proper animations

  • 31Mods
  • 30Followers

File size
65.53 MB
May 8, 2024


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    1. Well he is a hidden boss. Can’t be a weak one, now can he? xD

      Anyway, he is actually quite easy to fight once you figure out how. The easiest is getting him to attack you, perfect blocking that, breaking his stamina and using some supers/ultimates. Main point is it is easier to fight him defensively rather than offensively.

      Thank you for liking the mod and I’m glad you had a good time 🙂

  1. Hi, I Keep Getting A Message That My Controller Has Been Disconnected, When I Choose What Time I Want To Fight For, Idk If This Is A Bug On My End But As Far I’m Aware It’s A Bug With The Quest Because In 2021 When I Played The Quest Everything Was Fine..

    1. After testing it turns out something quite major was changed in X2 script execution with the most recent update. For this reason the quest is now officially incompatible with version 1.17.02.

      Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

  2. Hey, loving the mod so far, one of the most unique mods I’ve ever played my only issue is the Ultimate Finish requirement. Doing the entire thing without getting hit is next to impossible, is there any way that this could be changed?

    1. Hi, thank you for your kind words.
      I was actually thinking of doing an alternate Ult finish as well. I think I’ll include a text file in the future detailing how to make it a lot easier for yourself to reach the ult but for now if you wanna try it yourself:
      1) open Tournament of Destroyers (version number)
      2) go to Quest
      3) open script.x2qs
      4) ctrl+f “FlagFU”
      5) everywhere you see “if a condition is met, set FlagFU to false”, remove the ; in front of “Condition Never”
      6) Save and export all the quest files to any empty folder
      7) use the Quest Importer to import the quest files from your folder

      If you do this, even if Goku is nigh dead, you will still get the ultimate finish.

      I hope this helps and in the future I’ll make a pre-quest-start character that will ask whether you want an easy path to ultimate or not. (or something like that – haven’t 100% decided yet).

      Thank you for playing!

  3. a couple things i noticed with this mod: first off i cant add the super soul to kefla because her .x2m file that was mentioned in the instructions for such wasnt included in the mod files but the character herself is there when installing the mod so idk…………… second if piccolo gets taken out by frost’s secret poison and you get the option to choose who to hit, vegeta is unable to be hit there for some reason………… i can hit the other 2 perfectly fine but vegeta just dont get hurt at all, no super armor or anything, my attacks just flop

    1. Hi.

      Since I had to make a hotfix, there are parts of the quest that are not fully tested and can therefore contain bugs.

      Now, as per adding stuff tp Kefla – you can export her from the quest’s x2m where she will be included in attached mods. Then you open her in character creator, affix the soul, save, install and you’re done.

      When choosing the options with cheating Frost, if you look inside the quest files you will notice a vast majority isn’t coded yet (as I had to release a hotfix and didn’t have it finished at that time). Therefore the ones that have no code cannot be harmed because nothing would happen.

      In the meantime I have coded in quite a bit more than can currently be downloaded but I will not be working on this mod for at least 2 months seeing how the school year is ending and I’m kept busy with that.

    1. Hi.

      Do you have all necessary DLCs downloaded? If the game crashes before he even spawns, then it is unable to locate his files. If it crashes during gameplay, could you provide more details, please? (Who you are fighting as; when approximately does the crash happen; does it always happen at the exact same spot)

      Thank you for giving me your feedback!

    1. Hi to you too.

      More language support would certainly be awesome, though it is a large amount of text you’d have to work through. If you feel up for it, I’d be only glad, but no worries if you change your mind :).

          1. Hi.

            I am sorry for a… “mildy delayed” reply – I honestly didn’t notice you replied xD. If however you are still even after my rudeness interested in cooperation, my business email would work just fine ([email protected]).

            Again, I am sorry for ghosting you for so long O.O

    1. Hi. Thank you for your feedback.

      When you experienced this, were you fighting as Vegeta? If yes, then it is intentional to hide the fact there are two Hits fighting at once and give off the illusion that he is fazing through dimensions. And since one is Awoken and the other one is regular, it would break immersion. Certain characters also have boosts to both attack and defense (like Hit for example) and that is just so you can’t knock him away, use Ultimate on him and already win.

      As per not receiving damage, every single playable character that goes against him has to first figure out how to counter his time-skop (figure out = wait a few seconds after dialogue finishes playing and afterwards saying something about finding a weakness in his defenses). The time for characters to figure it out varies per character and whether someone before them figured it out and gave them a hint or not. If however you found a case where even after this has happened Hit was still invulnerable, please give me more details (who you played as, what was the last “spoken” dialogue, whether when you switched characters (if you switched at all) it was against Hit or someone before him) and I’ll look into it. It is entirely possible I forgot to write a line of code somewhere.

      I am glad you like my mod :).

    1. Hello. I am very happy to hear you like my mods.

      Unfortunatelly, I dislike using sites like Discord due to my being socially awkward x). But if you believe you could help me out, I’d be glad to hear any and all ideas you have, be it in terms of coding or story and similars.

      As far as new time-lock goes, that will be Zamasu’s story but first I will finish this one considering as of right now it is only halfway done :). There was also a request that I make a Freeza-themed TL similar to Cell’s, unfortunatelly I didn’t screenshot it and since the comments were wiped out I cannot really remember what it wrote or even who wrote it.

      Anyway, if you’d like to contact me, you can do so either here, or on YouTube, or on my mail address “[email protected]”.

  • 31Mods
  • 30Followers

File size
65.53 MB
May 8, 2024

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