Tournament of Power Stage

Ehy guys, Alpha and Mastaklo here! Today we bring you an update to my old stage! We worked together to make it as good as possible. We are still working on the .map files so... expect a future upgrade.
Its highly recommended to set "Glare Level" to "Off" in the graphic settings as the stage was made with that setting. If you dont put glare level to off the stage can turn out super bright.
Give us feedback.
Special thanks to Sol Negro for giving us permission for his Grand Priest Model and Nitro for providing some spectator sprites.
Also Huge thanks to Olganix who helped out on alot of stuff in general on providing the tools.
-Removed Small version
-New Colissions and Boundaries to fit the Stage Model
-Complete new Spectator Seats Model
-New Sprites on the Spectator Seats
-Animated Column
-Animated Spectator Seats
-Animated Sky
-Animated Column Shadow
-Improved Textures
-Improved Materials
-Stage is a new slot x2m now
-Also means you can install small and big version at the same time now on 2 slots without need to replace anything
- Fixed Italian Name
- Fixed French Name
- Fixed Brazilian Name
- Added Bigger Version
- Added a version with simple materials for those who got bugs (that version is almoste identical to the first one besides it uses simple materials so it wont have character shadows, Specular Maps and the Bubble on the Zenoh throne.
- Complete overhaul with new models, textures, materials etc.
- Alpha released
when i install and go to stages none of them pop up
none of my stages ARE POPPING UP WTF
uh is this a x2m mod or do i do something else there isn’t any clear intstructions for intallation
The glare level is already off but the stage was glitching
all the comments were hakai’d