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Type 04 Ultra Instinct Hair for HUF

Hey all! I decided to take a recommendation and make an Ultra instinct version of the base hair style 04 for CaC's (Kid Gohan's hair style)

This mod was made using assets from Lazybone's new transformation's mod (HUF_003_Hair.emd/emb)


I'd like to update with a comment here that I had no idea the revamp team was making default hair change packs. The stages of SSj 1 and 2 that I make will differ based on what work i've seen despite mine being eerily similar to their first form. I promise I did not see their work prior to starting my edit to the hair. This will remain here until someone says otherwise because this was in fact straight from my mind and not much work was put into it. Some faces were removed and areas messed up. I believe the Revamp teams version looks much better.

Drag and Drop the .emd and .emb files directly into your HUF folder and enjoy!

  • 5Mods
  • 12Followers

File size
1.24 MB
Credit given to modders
December 30, 2023


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  3. i hope someone can answer me this, i have seen the lazybones transformation mod, but it changes a lot of things, the ONLY thing i want is to have the hair change when i transform with the vanilla transformations, is that possible?

    1. I highly recommend using Lazybones transformation mod. I believe you still need it to change hairs but you don’t have to use any of the transformation skills that come with it. You can use the base “Super saiyan” skill that comes with the default game and it will still change the hair for you as long as you named the file you want with the correct ID. SSJ 1 is always 297. SSJ 2 is 298 and SSJ3 is 299.

  • 5Mods
  • 12Followers

File size
1.24 MB
Credit given to modders
December 30, 2023

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