Ultimate Reshade for Master Roshi [DBL]

Now everything packed in an x2m file.
WIP3 Ultimate Reshade for: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/master-roshi-dragon-ball-legends/ originally created by the101gamerchief.
Original Reshade for complete Roster: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/ultimate-shading-r-remake/ by angealvan.
Original Ultimate reshade for cac's: by angealvan
I am new on this world, specially on reshading, if you have any advice or recommendation, i will love to hear them.
Use XV2INS to install x2m file and it's ready to go, character + ultimate reshade + Some Character fixes.
Make sure you have XV2patcher + Mod Installer.
wip 3 [29M19] * Fixed display names for each costume (english/spanish). * Everything packed in an x2m file for easy installation.
wip 2 * Adjusted colors for Roshi's bust and Jackie Chun pants / bust.
wip 1 * Recolored / Reshaded.