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Ultra Vegito – The Godly Duo

I didnt really thought I'd make this tbh, I thought that pack 4 will be the last pack, but no, well kinda cus this isnt a pack its a duo (pack is 4+ characters), I really hope that you'll enjoy it.

Thanks to unleashed, deez auras, the flockers, cheekibreeki, cyberblade117 and star burst that they gave me permission to use their assets

Discord link -

CuliKatlani (CK)
  • 15Mods
  • 12Followers

Credit given to modders
unleashed, deez auras, the flockers, star burst, cheekibreeki, cyberblade117
June 10, 2023


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  1. these mods are not that great and are not even quality.
    nor are they consistent with the CALLMEARJ story
    , you made them just for…
    vote 2 for the effort and because I noticed theflocker’s work on vegeta, the marks on his face so to speak.

      1. yes, I immediately noticed your work πŸ˜€ you did it as well on the other mod that of vegito the symbol on the face.
        i wonder why you just fix his mods since the quotes don’t mention the kind of support you give him or what you did… when you make nice quality mods like your ikari goku black, that’s great.

      1. nowadays everyone feels like a modder, but then it turns out that they are not what they say they are and they can’t admit it…
        there are modders who know how to create a little bit of everything and mod assemblers.
        I just expressed my opinion that’s all, it seems to me that freedom of expression still exists.
        and then I’m a fan of theflocker mods and I immediately recognized his work done on that vegeta and I appreciated it.
        as for this pack, I tried it but it’s nothing special, I’ve been following the series since it was created, and seeing these mods done badly and that don’t even reflect the details of the series… well vote 1.
        but I didn’t understand one thing … did he create the mods since he signed them with his name or did he use and assemble the various components of all the people he mentioned below?
        because there’s a difference between having created them yourself and asking for the various components and permissions to assemble them.

        1. You are entitled to your opinion – That’s True

          I’m also entitled to mine. I can see why a lot of people who commissioned mods to be made to be kept private meaning I will follow suit as well.

CuliKatlani (CK)
  • 15Mods
  • 12Followers

Credit given to modders
unleashed, deez auras, the flockers, star burst, cheekibreeki, cyberblade117
June 10, 2023

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