Unlock Customization Keys And Dragon Balls
Unlock Customization Keys (Game Version 1.21):
Parallel Quest 2: A Deal?! The Saiyan Brothers
Rewards All Customization Keys (Might Need To Do PQ Twice)
Rewards All Dragon Balls
Rewards Super Capsule & Super Capsule Z
XV2INS & XV2Patcher Most Recent Version Required First
Then Use Unlock Customization Keys And Dragon Balls Installer
Please Give Feedback/Any Problems With Mod
Note: Some Custom Partners Require DLC
Discord: Xenoverse 2 Modding Community's Discord Server The Citadel
XV2INS & XV2Patcher Most Recent Version Required First
Then Use Unlock Customization Keys And Dragon Balls Installer
1.6 - Game Version 1.21
1.5 - Game Version 1.19.1
1.3 - Added Dragon Balls
1.0 - Initial Release
can you make it drop all artworks?
is there a mod that can unlock all artwork instantly like this?
I’m not getting any of the mod’s rewards, only the default rewards
it’s not working
Hello! my DBX 2 is from Torrent, I can’t install this mod, even selecting the folder (DB Xenoverse 2), could you help me?
the first thing you need to do is buy Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
is this working for new patch
Read the damn changelog please
Does this work with the recent version and also does it also trigger the flags for the keys even if you have them?
Not at the time of this message. I have the updated version ready for release when Eternity Tools and LB Installer updates for game version 1.21, since it’s a new format for QXD. The keys you don’t have will unlock after the quest.
update for 1.20.1 please
Works on game version 1.20.01, no update needed.
sorry but it’s a joke the keys are unlocked but when I go to see the robot for the personalized partners the last 4 characters do not appear, can you correct that
do you have the dlcs for the last 4 characters that you are talking about
because if you dont have the DLC for the characters your trying to customize, you wont be able to see the keys.
Will this be updated for the Beast Update?
At the time of this message, this mod doesn’t need updated. No new keys have been added since Legendary Pack 2 DLC/DBS Gogeta.
Bro, you saved my ass from customization keys not working added by LAZYBONE’s save editor!
I got everything before I knew about mods
Darn mate, that must have been such a grind.
Especially on PC.
Buenas gente encontré la solución para la gente que no le aparece los personajes de goku dios, vegeta dios , goku black, baby vegeta y gogeta , si ustedes anteriormente consiguieron las llaves con el X2 editor , y solo tenian hasta kefla, lo que tienen que hacer es entrar de nuevo al X2 editor , luego van a inventario y luego buscan la casilla con el nombre “importante” y borran los objetos, y luego de eso instalan el mod . Luego de hacer eso hacen la segunda mision de las misiones secundarias y una vez que finalicen la misión tendrán todos los mentores personalizables , espero haberlos ayudado , me tuve que crear una cuenta para informarles así que espero haberlos ayudado <3
Good people, I found the solution for people who do not see the characters of goku god, vegeta god, goku black, baby vegeta and gogeta, if you previously got the keys with the X2 editor, and only had up to kefla, what you have to to do is enter the X2 editor again, then go to inventory and then look for the box with the name "important" and delete the objects, and after that install the mod . After doing that they do the second mission of the secondary missions and once they finish the mission they will have all the customizable mentors, I hope I have helped you, I had to create an account to inform you so I hope I have helped you <3
I tried but no even if it is well marked in the rewards to have, you only unlock the 7 crystal balls
Funcionó completamente! Muchas gracias, para agregar al comentario, yo tengo dos versiones, la pirata y la comprada, yo lo que hago es convierto la compatibilidad del original para el pirata y despues hago la reversion del mismo para tenerlo en el original tambien
It works, thank Christ. Didn’t drop all of them at once on the first go, got the key for Super Baby 2 and Goku Black on the first attempt, and then got the rest on the second attempt.
after downloading it the customization keys dont show up as the reward for the parallel quest is that normal or is there something i did wrong?
I am in the same situation.
Fixed. Just uninstalled my game and reinstalled. PQ 2 gave me all they keys first try. Thanks, It must’ve been something on my end
I have the same issue as some people have: I installed the mod, it says it installed successfully , but they latests keys won’t drop. I tried with a ( now lost ) backup file before the latest DLC and with my current one which has the DLC, no change. Initially I thought it was conflicting with the Save Editor, so I removed the latest keys, but no drop after the 2nd PQ. I have all the keys except for the latests ones. I can wait for the Save Editor side, since something similar happened with first series of keys ( at the time I only missed Broly and initially it didn’t appear after I put it with the save editor ). Hope this helps.
so we just wait?
I see most comments state it’s not working on their side.
Could someone confirm it’s working on their side?
I was able to test this on my side no problem, got all the keys I didn’t have. Though I can’t test it again since keys can only be received once.
I Have all the keys but the Partners for Keys 16-20 wont show up to be customized. It ends at Kelfa
so its… 2-3 DLC behind? Kefla was… Extra pack I THINK, and we’re at ‘Legend Park/Conton Vote’ (Yes; it is in fact Extra Pack, #3, just checked XV2 DLC)
Yes, even Save editor wont load the new mentors (Key 16-20). You can have the keys in inventory but the mentors wont show up
how do I fix my game crashes when I start the PQ?
It works, I removed the customization keys 16-20 (because these don´t apply in the file editor) and then used the mod to get those.
How come the partners aren’t available to customize with the keys? I have all of them, so what am I doing wrong?
Did you find a solution? I’m having the same problem
no working, downloaded LB mod installer, and your custom partner key quest too, both of them installed succesfully the program said, but not working at all, nothing
why is that
I Have all keys, but the new DLC 14 mentors still doesn’t show up. Any fix?
same, did you fix it?
is this compatible with you other No Grind (100% Drop Rate) mod, if not could you please make a updated version of that mod with the effect of this mod?
Or you could not be lazy. its literally one of the easiest quests in the game.
Do you need DLC 14 for the new keys?
no, you only need the dlc’s for the partners (obviously)
Baby 2’s pack
Vegeta SSG’s pack
Pre-Order Bonus for Goku Black
Goku SSG / Gogeta SS4 are free so you can use them ofc