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*UPDATE* HighPoly SSJ Hair for HUF AND HUM

UPDATE: Added in a HUM version. Also includes the different shades.

Hey all, I've learned a few more skills and I've decided to release a small project I've been working on. Here is a SSJ hair for HUF with a few different colors.

based it off of Goku's hair and tried to get a lighter shade of blonde.

This mod was made using assets from Lazybone's transformation mod. (HUF_017 & HUM_011.emd/emb/emm)

Drag and drop the files from the "SSJ" folder to your DB Xenoverse 2/data/chara/HUF folder if playing a female CAC. Then drag and drop the file(the emb.dyt) of the color you want from the "shades" folder into your HUF folder.

If playing a Male CAC drag and drop from the HUM folder instead.

Note: All files are defaulted to the 1st super saiyan transformation. If you'd like to use this hair and one of the colors for a different transformation. You'll have to change the ID's of the files to your transformations ID.


Version 1.5

Added in a HUM version of the hair as well as different shades of color for HUM.

  • 5Mods
  • 12Followers

File size
5.44 MB
Credit given to modders
Lazybones, Mosh
March 26, 2024


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    1. If you are replacing the default hair with one of these models then you have to make sure the ID’s are correct for the right default hair. If it’s still not working then you might have to make the .emb ID 000. This is because most default hairs use the same texture file for most of the hairs.

  1. The strand going down could be longer, or there could be none at all and all of them upwards, but as I wrote earlier, NICE! Thanks I’ve been looking for Caulifli’s SSJ2 hairstyle for a long time, which he has in the game, and this is the most similar one. Maybe you will create something else for SSJ3, or 4 for HUF and possibly HUM.

  • 5Mods
  • 12Followers

File size
5.44 MB
Credit given to modders
Lazybones, Mosh
March 26, 2024

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