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Uub Majin transformation

Uub with 2 transformations on Majin form

XV2ins+ use aura installer

So guys u r supposed to have now all the skills even for people who doesn't have the last dlc. For the transformation u can't go back to ur basic form (idk why) And for the aura people who has problems with toppo I have no ideas. In my game it does work perfectly fine and that was the first mod that i installed after the last dlc. Try to clean ur XV2ins and try again.

Alem Quest
  • 16Mods
  • 6Followers

Not Final but almost
File size
15.22 MB
September 25, 2021


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  1. Hey, love the concept, just wanted to say a few things. 1 I can’t seem to be able to install the aura, it throws in an error message that says the max amount of textures has been reached. 2 I don’t own the Toppo DLC so, his destructive fissure ability is a bit glitched out, after kicking the character, they just stay in place. 3 When i try to de-transform, Ubb just just defaults to his knocked-out pose, was this intentional?

Alem Quest
  • 16Mods
  • 6Followers

Not Final but almost
File size
15.22 MB
September 25, 2021

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