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V2 Rayly’s SSJ4 Face and Eyes (Using Geckos SSJ Face mod)

Hello ! I wanted to do a continuation of Gecko03J's mod, Goku's SSJ Eyes for HUM/SYM : I created a SSJ4 forehead using their mod as a base and adjusted some eyes to fit it.

The main goal was to have a full transformed face without a line that's crossing between the face_forehead and the face_base, ruining the face esthetic.

I hope you'll enjoy this mod and even improve it : It's not perfect haha.

I added a txt file so you won't have the bugged face textures, you will need to follow the steps !

I advise to use it with Gecko03J's mod of course ! Thanks to them for letting me use their mod !!

2.0 : Fixed Eyes clipping, Fixed UV lines out of place, Fixed shadows, Added LBSSJ4.

I'm using Grinn's transformations, that uses assets from Lazybone's New Transformations Mod, I advise you to use them if you want everything to work fine for a SSJ4 Face ! I also edited a bit the HUM.bcs so that the partsets using SSJ4 do not use HUM_000_Face_Base but the HUM_256_Face_Base.

1.0 : Release

1.1 : I added a txt file so you won't have the bugged face textures, you will need to follow the steps !

2.0 : Fixed Eyes clipping, Fixed UV lines out of place, Fixed shadows, Added LBSSJ4.


  • 13Mods
  • 43Followers

File size
8.68 MB
Credit given to modders
March 13, 2024


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  1. for anyone having eyebrow color issues you can use a copy of HUM_007_Face_forehead.dyt.emb and change it to HUM_256_Face_forehead.dyt.emb or whatever ID you set to it thats what i did and just in case this doesnt work make a backup copy to be safe so u can just always have an original file to place back in after changing

  2. This is awesome, could you also make another version of this mod for Lazybone’s Super Vegeta 4 transformation by any chance? It has green eyes instead of yellow and it would be nice to have updated eyes for that transformation as well.

    1. Nevermind, i’ve made my own using some other mods, anyway, I think your LBSSJ4 dyts are messed up, im not sure tho, i was using it but my character’s eyebrows were yellow, but when i replaced the dyt for face forehead for some other one i found it got the right color. Great mod tho, saving my will to play this game.

    1. Most of transformations mod use HUM_000_face_base.emb (textures) for the face_forehead Part in the transformation Partset.
      So you need to edit your HUM.bcs like I said in the installation section.
      I’ll add a text file on how to correct this in the pack for this case soon, please excuse me for not joining it in the first place.

  • 13Mods
  • 43Followers

File size
8.68 MB
Credit given to modders
March 13, 2024

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