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Vegeta (Transformable)

Remember Lazybone's transformable characters? Yeah this is basically some sort of "Remake" of those.

Vegeta (Transformable) has been made back from scratch with new assets!

He comes in 3 main variations:

DBS Vegeta, GT Vegeta and Xeno Vegeta

There's also 2 extra variations:

Vegeta (Cell Saga) and Vegeta (Manga)


Special Thanks to everyone who became a part of this mod or who gave me permission to use their assets:

- XenoCoffee - Custom Moveset for Super Vegeta!

- Kaito Kid (Mankyuu!!) - Armor AO and Model Edits as well as the use of his Super Vegeta mod and the Saiyan Showdown mod!

- Unleashed - Super Saiyan Blue Awoken/Final Shining Strike/Destructive Will

- Grinns - Super Saiyan 4 Awoken/Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker Awoken/Ultra Ego Awoken

- TCG Cardcast - Ultra Ego Vegeta Assets!

- Gamerchief - Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta Face and Hair models

- Revamp Team - Revamp Assets and Add-On Resources!


Known issues:

- Within the Awoken Animation of SSJ4 Vegeta the facial animations randomly glitch out sometimes.


- Destructive Shield has missing effects but still works properly


- Final Explosion effects sometimes stay after finishing the skill execution. Block to fix the issue (Base Game issue)


Feel free to join my Discord Server to have fun with the community!

1. Install Main Vegeta X2M


2. (Optional) Install Extra Vegeta X2M


3. Run the Installer and select the correct Option (Hover onto the Options for Explanations of them)

4. Enjoy!


First Release!



Hotfix for Super Vegeta skills.

Jenik (ContonMods)
  • 11Mods
  • 60Followers

File size
78.70 MB
Credit given to modders
XenoCoffee,Kaito Kid (Mankyuu!!),Unleashed,Grinns,TCG Cardcast,Gamerchief,Revamp Team
June 4, 2023


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  1. I can’t seem to see the armor AO on the latest version as they are shown in the screenshots
    were they removed or something? cus the armors looks pretty much the same as the vanilla game ones….They looked really cool from the pics
    Other than that the mods pretty cool

  2. Heya. Incredible mod, easily the best Vegeta Mod on this website!

    The problem is that sometimes, idk if I was impatient but when the fight loads, it stays trying to load infinitely. I tried to reinstall the mod (Removed the Installer) and now the game just… crashes when I enter character selection.

    Did I do something wrong?

    To give an idea, I loaded Revamp and I put the installer. And after, I tried the mod without the installer.

  3. The installer wasn’t really needed. I already had the Revamp, got the x2m’s in and it works perfectly (It’s really well made). I had negative experiences with installers messing up auras and other things so I refrain from using them most of the time.

  4. I’m not really sure why, but the main Vegeta x2m seems to replace GT Vanilla Vegeta. It’s a really strange issue, but in xvins GT Vegeta is showing perfectly fine and I’ve put GT and Xeno Vegeta presets from your mod attached to him, but then in game Vanilla GT base vegeta doesn’t show at all. I’ve noticed that both hame the same 3 digit code, and I also have revamp installed, idk if that affects anything.

Jenik (ContonMods)
  • 11Mods
  • 60Followers

File size
78.70 MB
Credit given to modders
XenoCoffee,Kaito Kid (Mankyuu!!),Unleashed,Grinns,TCG Cardcast,Gamerchief,Revamp Team
June 4, 2023

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