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Vegito Blue Update! The Cast-Character Overhaul Project!


This Add-on aims to buff the cast characters and make them much more fun, unique, diverse and competitive in tough content, and in PvP, compared to just always picking the same few characters. This is done by giving various characters their own exclusive Super Souls. And if applicable; revamping their skillset! Or in a rarer instance; giving them their own custom Charge skill as well! Something else to make Cast Characters better as well is now the Debuff present on all Cast Characters in various content has been completely removed in all content as well. So, hopefully with this Add-on, everyone can have fun playing as Cast Characters! There's also a bunch of optional Q.O.L choices you can install if you so please, just make sure if you do plan on playing with friends, you all pick the same options.

Find the Super Soul Details HERE! Or inside New Super Soul Details.txt in the archive.

Here's some notable extra changes from Vanilla to improve the Cast Characters even more!:

  • The Stats Debuff present on Cast Characters in all content has been removed!
  • Some Characters such as SS4 Goku & Vegeta have new custom Charge-Ups.
  • Character Exclusive Super Souls have been introduced to the game, and are a lot stronger than normal Super Souls. Check them out ingame! *More will be added in each update.
  • *And More!


Characters who currently have Character-Exclusive Super Souls:

*All Characters have an alternate optional PvP variant of their Super Soul balanced for PvP. Abilities may differ.

  • All Characters from the Saiyan Saga
  • All Characters from the Cell Saga
  • All Characters from the Majin Buu Saga
  • All Characters from the Baby Saga
  • All Characters from the Super 17 Saga
  • All Characters from the Battle of Gods Movie
  • All Characters from the Resurrection "F" Movie
  • All Characters from the U6 vs U7 arc. [Barring SSBKK]
  • All Characters from the DBS: Future Trunks Arc
  • All Characters from the ToP Arc
  • All Characters from the Tree of Might Movie
  • All Characters from the Metal Cooler Movie
  • All Characters from the First Broly Movie
  • All Characters from the Wrath of the Dragon Movie
  • All Characters from the Fusion Reborn Movie
  • Half of the Xenoverse original characters [Trunks (Xeno), etc]
  • *The rest of the sagas will be added through updates! Feel free to leave suggestions on who you'd like to see as well!
  • Find the Super Soul Details HERE! Or inside New Super Soul Details.txt in the archive. A picture infographic including all completed characters are in the archive and on this add-on page.

Feel free to leave any feedback/suggestions you have for the add-on! Or characters you would like to see get Super Souls!

[Unlike my Parallel Quests', this Add-on IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE with updates. So keep an eye out!]

[This Add-on IS compatible with Revamp]

[This Add-on is compatible with Proud Mode]

[Add-on does NOT work online. But does with friends provided you both have this installed.]

[This add-on was originally on a new different add-on page entirely, but to reduce multiple avenues of confusion, I decided to move it back to its original in this update. I apologize if this has caused any confusion. Thanks for your understanding.]

[If changes don't showup ingame, reinstall! That should fix the issue!]

[Works with X2M's.]

[Please report issues.]

[Special thanks to Pentium, Cristal and JSM]

Aura Mod in some Screenshots from "Deez Mod Aura Collection".

Add-on created by "Warden"

Current Add-on Version: 1.2

Run the provided installer. [Is compatible WITH REVAMP] *If changes don't showup ingame, reinstall! That should fix the issue!

Version 1.2 [9/14/24]

*Patches subject for reversion or change in the future.

  • -The custom PvP messages have been overhauled, and will now be installed for all languages!
  • -Custom title screens added in the patch’s beta have been removed except option “Super Saiyan 4 Goku”.
  • -The text on the “Title Screen Customization” section in the installer was updated.
  • -RosĂ© Goku Black has received his Character-Exclusive Super Soul and a moveset tweak!
  • -Ultra Supervillain RosĂ© Goku Black has received his Character-Exclusive Super Soul and a moveset tweak!
  • -SoH Trunks has received his Character-Exclusive Super Soul and a moveset tweak!
  • -New Super Souls are now available for CAC's. Check the shop!
  • -NPC changes.
  • -Fused Zamasu has received his Character-Exclusive Super Soul and a moveset tweak!
  • -Fused Zamasu and Half-Corrupted Fused Zamasu have new auras.
  • -Fused Zamasu and Half-Corrupted Fused Zamasu have Fusion in their names instead of Fused now.
  • -aura_setting.aur has been updated to include DLC 17 features.
  • -SSGSS Vegito has received a new custom aura!
  • -PQ 100 “The Ultimate Rivalry” is now a BOSS quest!
  • -1 new title screen was added.
  • -SSGSS Vegito has received his Character-Exclusive Super Soul and a moveset tweak!

Bug Fixes:

  • -Characters such as Super Gogeta who received a new name in previous updates, but had the feature disabled due to issues, have now obtained their new name again. This issue has been fixed.
  • -Vegeta (Scouter) and Nappa had “Darkness Rush (Ranged)” equipped instead of “Darkness Rush (Melee)”, this has been fixed.
  • -Krillin had Yamcha’s PvP Super Soul equipped when selecting “PvP” Super Souls. This has been fixed.
  • -Great Ape Vegeta’s CaC Super Soul was giving an abnormally high amount of boost when assisting allies, this has been fixed.


Known Bugs:

  • -DBZ Broly Super Soul Effect 7’s Debuffs are not working, barring the Skill lock.
  • -GS1 & 2 PvP Soul’s Effect 8 Sub Effect 1 is activating even after the Effect should wear off.
  • -Namek Goku 2nd Super Soul effect is apparently healing allies as well.
  • -Towa’s Super Soul is not functioning properly in regards to stats, this is being looked at.
  • -Vados and Bye Guys Goku’s Super Souls are not working properly. A temporary name changed is labeled on their Super Souls ingame.
  • -New Variations of characters [SS4 Goku, etc] added in previous updates of this project have been disabled due to various issues.
  • -The ability to perform 1v2, 1v3's etc. offline has been disabled due to various issues.
  • 10Mods
  • 15Followers

File size
84.65 MB
Credit given to modders
Warden [Dev] | Special Thanks: Pentium & Kristal [For DBL Assets Drive], lazybone [Installer], JSM [Some Art] and demonboy [SuperSoul Tool Creator]
September 14, 2024


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  1. i appreciate what you do but i do have an idea, you can replace god punisher on DBS Gogeta with kamehameha since he never used god punisher in his base and super saiyan form and i think giving him spirit blaster as a super skill would make more sense, Thanks

  2. Wonderful mod, I love mods that change the game on a bigger scale (Such as Revamp or Pride Mode), than just retextures or recolors. Quick question though; How did you get the characters to keep their normal base stats outside of PvP?

    1. Thanks a lot! And it would in THEORY, but not in practicality because characters in quests read their skills from chars.X2QS and each quest has their own version of chars.X2QS. So it would be possible, but would take an insane amount of time.

    1. All Vegito really got was just a bonus variation with SS2, which uses an unused voice line. The unused voice line doesn’t activate with the Awakening Skill, only the Ultimate, so he got both so you can still un-transform.

      Also Vegito didn’t really get “fixed”, his base 3 variations were already pretty good. So, not many changes were even needed, which I said in the video.

      And what beam are you referring to? Big Bang Flash? That skill isn’t in the game, lol.

  3. After watching your youtube video on some of the changes the mod included, I have a question regarding DLC. If I don’t have some of the DLC’s would the mod/game break?

    For example, for SSJ4 Vegeta I know he has Final Flash as a super attack in the mod, which is apart of one of the DLC’s. If I don’t have that DLC will the skill just not show up? Will the mod break the game?

    The mod looks great btw I love all the changes I saw within the YT video so I’m looking forward to playing it!

  4. I really love this mod, it makes playing as each character a lot more refreshing!

    I did notice a few weird skill choices that either look weird or feel unintentional.

    1. SSJ4 Goku & Science Vanish
    Goku doesn’t have the proper animations for this move so instead he just looks like he gets punched and then flips upside down and it just looks very odd.

    2. DBS Trunks Preset 2 & Super Vegeta on his Ultimate slot

    I assume this was unintentional. When using the ultimate his hair mesh doesn’t change but it does change color.

    3. Both Gammas have an “Unknown Skill” that plays their Villainous Mode animations but doesn’t seem to actually do anything.

    Other than that every other skill choice feels like they fit in perfectly (aside from Destructive Fission on SSB Goku but it looks cool so whatever)

    1. I appreciate the feedback, I’ll definitely look into the SS4 Goku issue and DBS Trunks issue in my next update.

      The Gamma’s Unknown Skill is an official Skill from the games’ Story Mode where they use that transformation, it’s very weird, but it was meant to be used on them so I kept it in!

  • 10Mods
  • 15Followers

File size
84.65 MB
Credit given to modders
Warden [Dev] | Special Thanks: Pentium & Kristal [For DBL Assets Drive], lazybone [Installer], JSM [Some Art] and demonboy [SuperSoul Tool Creator]
September 14, 2024

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