Waking The Demon: Waifu Version (MAF)
This is a female majin version of the male majin moveset cuz I just couldn't resist. It's not a one-for-one copy as it has a few more kicks and agile moves that go well with the majin waifus body type, though the brutality is still there (I hope).
It's Beast and should be tail compatible as everything used allegedly has built-in tail compatibility. You'll have to test that, though, since I don't use tails.
Simply drag and drop the extracted files into your "MAF" folder. If you have everything you need for modding, it should be inside the "Chara" folder, which is inside the "data" folder.
I can confirm that it works with Majin Tails and Beast transformation.
Great! Thanks for the info.
where did u get the hair?